Welcome to the New Year 2007 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Can you help us to help others?

I expect you are aware that the Mothers’ Union runs several projects in this diocese.

They vary from AFIA, the annual holiday for disadvantaged families, to helping entertain children when they are accompanying visitors to Kingston Prison.

At Christmas and birthdays cards are sent to every prisoner in Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight prisons.

Hand made wraps are made for the babies who are still born and tiny knitted garments for the neo-natal unit at St Mary’s Hospital.

Emergency toilet bags are made and filled for the Admissions Ward at Queen Alexandra Hospital.

Here at St George’s we are helping to provide for the unfortunate women and children in the Havant Women’s Refuge. Children’s clothing, young women’s clothes, toiletries and paperback books are some of the items required.

If you feel you could help us in this work with cards, toothpaste, children’s clothes etc please get in touch with Margaret Symonds, 023 9225 2338. Any items would be most gratefully accepted.

Mothers’ Union Notices

January 18th. Epiphany Party, with guests from local churches. Please bring a small wrapped gift and a contribution of food.

January 22nd. (Monday). Deanery Subscriptions coffee morning at Bedhampton. Bring and Buy, raffle. 10.am to noon.

February 7th. (Wednesday). AGM in Church Hall at noon.

February 15th. Margaret Symonds, “A virtuous woman in the 21st Century”. Please bring a bible.

February 28th. (Wednesday). All Units Day at All Saints Church Hall, Denmead. 10.am to 3.pm.

Margaret Symonds

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page last updated 18 January 2007