At the time of preparing this, just before Christmas, there is no sign of Lent or Easter Books to consider. However, a book that caught my eye is the new one written by one of my favourite broadcasters and writers, David Winter. Those of you, who take Bible Reading Fellowship Notes, as he is a regular contributor, will know David Winter. ‘The Nation’s Favourite Prayers’ comprises not only a collection of forty of the best loved and used prayers but is also a useful prayer manual. Interestingly in his foreword, Mr Winter makes the point that there is strong evidence that British People have never given up on prayer. Further, that during the Second World War, the ‘National Day of Prayer’ evoked a staggering response. This happened at a time when Church going was in serious decline. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author explores the theme of prayer; he explains why it is important to many of us and offers sound guidance. Chapter titles include, ‘Prayer is Natural - All we can do is pray’, ‘God and Prayer - God Help Me’ and also ‘The Many Faces of Prayer - Pathways to the presence of God’. Amongst the issues explored is the question of supposed unanswered prayer - when the answer God gives us is not the one that we pray and hope for. Not surprisingly, amongst the favourite prayers, can be found ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and the ‘Hail Mary’. Also included is ‘The Peace’, ‘The Jesus Prayer’, and, from the Communion Service Liturgy, ‘Almighty God, To whom all hearts are open’. I was also pleased to note that the prayer of St Richard of Chichester (‘Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ’) also featured. A wonderful little book, warmly recommended. The Nation’s Favourite Prayers by David Winter (Lion. ISBN 13 978-0-7459-5211-6. 10-0-7459-5211-9). £5.99 Lynn Winter |
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