Welcome to the Summer 2007 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Financial Update

Standing orders and envelopes 3111.25 Quota 4844.10
General collections 439.72 Photocopier upkeep 191.85
Donation from St George's Social Committee 400.00 Weds. Coffee donation to Hall 75.00
St George's Gift Day Envelopes 635.00 Repair of microphone system 377.65
Votive Sales 45.57 MU Service/Collectn for Oseas 101.62
Collection at Confirmation Service 240.61 less expenses for that Service 123.48
Sales of West End DVD's1 124.00
Gift Aid received for Jan-Mar 2439.58
Plant Sales 325.00
Parish Lunch collection for Koforidua 113.00
At the end of April, the bank balance was a reasonable £4874.12.
Standing Orders and envelopes 2192.85 Quota 4844.10
General collections 149.48 Photocopier paper/card 100.75
One-off donation (anon) 520.00 2007/8 Green envelopes 67.66
Sponsored walk 410.00 Purchase of Fete raffle tickets 55.00

At the end oif May, the bank balances was a reduced £1747.38.

Also paid out over April and May: £35 to Biblelands (Lent Group collection), £142.11 Bishops Lent Appeal and £135.64 to Mission Aviation Fund.

As mentioned above, a further supply of Green envelopes has been ordered. This year’s order has been reduced due to the fact that more donations are gradually being made via standing order. This of course reduces costs and time taken to process. My thanks to those who are able to use this method.

In order to keep our records up to date (for the purpose of claiming Gift Aid), I would appreciate it if you could all take a moment to review your tax-paying status. If there have been any changes over the past year perhaps you could kindly let me know.

If you have any queries please feel free to come and ask and I will endeavour to provide the information needed.

Carol McKells
Hon Treasurer to the PCC

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page last updated 11 September 2007