Welcome to the Easter 2009 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News


Crossword: Easter 2009


Clues Across:

1. Biblical race (4)
5. A hairy man (4)
7. Devotion said am, noon and pm (7)
8. Particles (8)
10. Garden (4)
12. At a distance (4)
14. Member of monastic third order (8)
16. Paper (8)
17. Gospel (4)
18. Fin under a surfboard (4)
19. Masses (8)
22. Poridge (7)
23. Remove pelt (4)
24. Sin (4)

Clues Down:

1. Gospel (4)
2. Paul (4)
3. Unbeliever (8)
4. And (4)
5. Faith of monastic Jews in Palestine (8)
6. Ricxhmond ---- Thames (4)
9. Strip a priest of his office (7)
11. Part of the hearing organ (7)
13. The opiate of the masses (8)
15. Terms in old game of cards (8)
18. Evil doings (4)
19. Liturgy (4)
20. eg Man (4)
21. Essential part (4)

Answers next month.

Crossword complied by Jane Rice-Oxley

Answers to the Winter 2009 Crossword

Across: 1. Convert.. 5. Banns. 8. Aimed. 9. Meanest. 10. Tendril. 11. Tie in 12. Hallow. 14. Cyclic. 17. Mecca. 19. Minster. 22. Overoi. 23. Verbs. 24. Kitty. 25. Strayed. Down. 1. Chant. 2. Nominal. 3. Elder. 4. Temple. 5. Beastly. 6. Niece. 7. Satanic. 12. Hammock. 13. Oratory. 15. Liturgy. 16. Ambles. 18. Cleft. 20. Never. 21. Rased.

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page last updated 06 June 2009