MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL EASTER VESTRY MEETING HELD ON, SUNDAY, 21 MARCH 1999with the Vicar, Father Malcolm Ferrier, in the Chair. There were 62 persons present. APOLOGIES were received from Janet and John Johnson, June Diaper, Sarah and Simon Monk, Vicki Townsend, Jaye Warren, Barbara Clark. Madeline Lennon, Tom and Joyce Churchill, Lesley Handy, Wendy and John Pearce, Larysa and Ian Thatcher. The Minutes of last year's meeting were read and accepted as a true record. These were then signed by the Vicar. Appointment of Churchwarden Tony Rice-Oxley outlined the problem that he as a new Churchwarden should work with the existing warden for two years, preferably, but, as we are out of line, the PCC recommends that Winifred Mancz be permitted to stay for another year. He explained that there is a lot going on with church maintenance, and the millennium project, with which Winifred has been involved. Ruth Loveman was concerned that we were 'changing the rules' . The Vicar explained that he could exercise his option to appoint a Churchwarden if necessary but he was reluctant to do this. Margaret Symonds proposed that Winifred Mancz be appointed for one more year, seconded by Andrew Clarke. This was agreed by the meeting unanimously. Both Churchwardens were confirmed in office. The meeting closed. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGheld on Sunday, 21st March 1999, in the Church Hall after the Sunday Eucharist. There were 62 persons present. The Vicar, Father Malcolm Ferrier, was in the Chair. APOLOGIES - Janet and John Johnson, June Diaper, Sarah and Simon Monk, Vicki Townsend, Jaye Warren, Barbara Clark, Madeline Lennon, Tom and Joyce Churchill, Lesley Handy, Wendy and John Pearce, Larysa and Ian Thatcher. MINUTES OF 1998 APCM Sunday School - there were 12 regular members, with 21 on the books. The minutes were then amended and accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting. MATTERS ARISING - there were no matters arising. TREASURER'S REPORT AND AUDITED PCC ACCOUNTS The Treasurer, Miss Linda Wainwright, said she had little to add to the comments and figures already produced in the weighty tome in front of you! She showed us the cashbook with the numerous manual entries, together with the hall accounts and statements from all the other individual church groups. These she produces in the formal required for the church accounts. As expected our expenditure during 1998 exceeded our incoming resources, although £3,900 of the £5,805 deficit is due to the depreciation of the value of the church hall being included for the first time. Overall, including investments our fund balance increased by £2,581. These accounts were formally approved by the PCC on 25 February 1999 and are no longer presented for adoption at this APCM, only for discussion. The Treasurer thanked everyone who has contributed towards the completion of these accounts. The PCC asked the Treasurer to mention that if anyone is kindly considering leaving a legacy to the church. that an unrestricted donation is preferred. This ensures the money is more flexible and can best be utilised by the PCC at the time and, therefore is not tied up as unusable. Father Malcolm thanked Linda for a marvellous job, and George Coleman as Auditor. Andrew Clark said it was a "modern day miracle"! REPORTS FROM THE GROUPS The various reports were all included in the APCM booklet. A few additional remarks were made as follows: The Vicar's Report Mr Monk asked if more prominence could be given to Mothering Sunday. The Vicar said he would bear this in mind next year - sometimes it was difficult to tie in with the new lectionary themes. The meeting stood out of respect for those people who had died in the last year - Betty Keyte, John Morris, Freda Atkinson, Lesley Hudson, Barbara Thackray, Shirley Cork, June Adamson and Elizabeth Atrill. Churchwardens Report Mrs Higginbottom was disappointed she could not attend her husband's memorial recently, as she had not been given the security number to the iron fence. Mrs Mancz apologised, and said this was early days, the PCC were "monitoring the situation" and in future relatives of the bereaved would be informed of the number. A letter would be sent to all concerned. Two new small English yew trees will be planted in October: wood acquired was taken into account when the quote for cutting down the old ones was given. With reference to planned giving Mr Rice-Oxley stressed that this will be reviewed in September, our overall giving is down. there will be no charity shop this year, and our "staple diet" is the regular giving. The churchwardens are very grateful for all the help given to keeping the churchyard so attractive. Father Malcolm thanked the Churchwardens for their hard work and loyal support. Church Hall Mr Clark would be glad if people report any wobbly chairs to him. The Vicar thanked Ruby Bullock for taking hall bookings for a number of years - Anne Willoughby is kindly taking over. The hall has recently been surveyed - it needs a lot of attention and we may have a shock re the expense. 100 Club Mr Monk reported that we now have 100 members; donations go to charity and to Our church. but views are sought from church members for specific deserving causes Link Group Mr Handy asked the congregation to pass it around that this is a youth club for the over 16's, it is informally run with no subscription. The Vicar thanked all those connected with running clubs for young people; it is an important part of the church's work, they need our blessing as it is not an easy task. Bible Reading Notes The Vicar thoroughly recommends the daily readings given in the BRF notes and Miss Wainwright would be pleased to take further orders. The Choir We discussed whether it is preferred that the choir sits upstairs. The Vicar said it is very difficult to find a good organist and we are very fortunate in our excellent organist and choirmaster (Colin Towner), and the good singing of the choir. Magazine Some months there are magazines left over, the circulation is going down. Perhaps we need to increase our rates to advertisers now it is on the Intenet? Mr Rice-Oxley suggested we have printed all the advertisements annually. The Vicar mentioned that Larysa Thatcher had done a very good job in trying to acquire more advertisers - it is also difficult to get them to pay their bills. The Vicar thanked the whole production team. Sunday School Julia Spurgeon said they could do with a bigger noticeboard, she would like to broaden the activities. There are copyright problems in printing out some of the hymns. Mr Dinneen and Mr Rice Oxley to look into this. The Vicar congratulated the Sunday School on their presentation today, and the teachers for all they do. Flowers A large donation has been given for special occasions. Deanery Synod New members are to be appointed this year, as Mr Bradshaw and Mrs Bradley have to stand down. ELECTORAL ROLL Details are in the Annual Report for 1998. ELECTION OF THE PCC Three people were standing down, Mr Bill Hutchings, Mrs Yvonne Jones and Mr Colin Monk. Seven nominations had been received, Mrs Felicity Best, Mrs Christine Culley, Mr Jim Dunster, Mr Richard Handy, Mrs Rosa Miller, Mrs Candy Williams, and Mr Den Wills. Introductions were given for each nominee and a ballot was taken. The ballot was counted by Mr Rice Oxley and Mr Andrew Clark. Mrs Culley, Mr Dunster and Mr Handy were duly elected to the Church Council. Mrs Alison Norris had resigned after two years, and a member will be co-opted at the next PCC meeting for one year. Mrs Felicity Best was proposed to represent St George's at the Deanery Synod by Mr Linney, seconded by Mrs Culley. Mrs Hutchings was proposed by Mr Handy. seconded by Mrs Higginbottom, and agreed nem con. ELECTION OF SIDESMEN WOMEN The Vicar suggested that the serving sidespersons should be accepted en bloc, seconded by Mrs Burton and carried unanimously. The sidespersons were, therefore, duly elected to serve for another year, and thanks were given for their loyal service. APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT EXAMINER Father Malcolm proposed Mr George Coleman, seconded by Mrs Vera Aust and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting closed at I. I 5pm with prayers and the Grace. The Vicar's Report: Annual Church Meeting 2000.On behalf of everyone at St George's, I would like to thank all those who have done so much during the past year: the Churchwardens, Winifred Mancz and Tony Rice-Oxley and members of the P.C.C. and all the various committees and organisations who have worked so hard behind the scenes to make our church what it is and to maintain the high standard we all expect. The worship is the centre of all our church life and I am so pleased that our attendance and the comunicants have been maintained at a time when the Church of England, and indeed other Christian Churches, have been showing a decline in attendance and a serious drop in numbers. This is shown at St George's in the occasional services where baptism's, confirmation's and wedding's have taken a serious drop in members during the last year. I am certain that our worship at St George's is attractive to many, because we maintain a traditional, yet modern catholic presentation without a lot of 'happy clappy' nonsense. I am especially grateful to Fr Colin Towner and the choir for the excellent musical standard they set; the servers (especially Amanda Jones the Head Server who sets the standard); readers; communion assistants and sides-persons, all who do so much to make the worship flow easily. Thank you all. I am personally grateful to Fr Arthur Green who does so much to help and is always willing to give his services without charge although he is entitled to a fee when I have my official holidays. Sadly, Fr Ron is now unable to give any assistance due to his continued disability and constant pain, but it is always a joy to see him in church (with Mary) and to hear his commements and suggestions after Mass! Our Patronal Festival was a very happy event when Fr Henry Theobald (who often takes the 8.am., Eucharist when I am away) came to preach. We were joined by Fr Harry and Mrs Gibson and Ken Makins and his wife for the Eucharist and Parish Luncheon, before this everyone posed in church and in the churchyard for the parish photograph. A memorable day indeed. We did not have a lot of special preachers during the year because of the difficulty of so many clergy now being on their own in their parishes: our own Eric Dinneen who spoke one Sunday morning about 'World Debt'; Archdeacon Marvyn Banting celebrated and preached at the M.U.Diocesan Eucharist in January; Canon Hereward Rothwell celebrated and preached at the Area Forward in Faith Festival in January; Mrs Julie Cotwell of the Rosemary Foundation gave an Address at the Women's World Day of Prayer in February. There were the usual ex-service annual parade services in the autumn; our usual pilgrimage to Walsingham at Easter and the most enjoyable Parish Outing to Cardiff on a very hot day in the summer when we ended up at Pentyrch for Evensong with Fr Graham Holcombe on the organ and his ladies providing a magnificent tea. We had a number of concerts in the church during the year given by: The Portsmouth Chorus; Portsmouth High School for Girls; Cantemus Choir; Wyndcliffe Singers; a Children's Concert (Sue Palmer); an organ recital by Rosemary Field, all of which have raised funds for the church. I blessed a beautiful set of wrought iron gates in the churchyard in memory of Derek Gasser(RlP), given by his family; some flower stands in memory of Elizabeth Atrill (RlP) given by her family; a beautiful Gospel Book in memory of Miriam Wiles (RlP) given by Yvonne and Amanda Jones and a fine oak memorial bookcase in memory of Anne Plummer (RlP) given by her son Colin, family and friends. We have also received several legacies for church funds. In the last year we have lost through death: Anne Plummer, Elizabeth Atrill, Ken Makins (our architect ), Alice Welfard, Ray Eaines and Harry Casson. May they rest in peace and rise in the glory of the resurrection. There have been a lot of other activities in the year of a spiritual nature. We began an Alpha Course which has been moderately received; a Parent and Toddlers Service, and the usual Lent Discussion Group. On the ecumenical scene we have kept up our links with the Baptist and Sacred Heart Churches as far as we are able and have been represented at the 'One World Week' events. There has been the annual Good Friday open air service and the clergy and ministers meet in Fraternal from time to time. Last year was a year of preparation for the Year of Jubilee or the Great Millennium and a report of that will be recorded in the report for the ACM in 2001. Our parish will celebrate the 30th year of the consecration of the present church in 2000 and we pray that God's Blessing and the prayers of our patron, St George and all the saints will help to forward the work at Jesus Christ in the parish of Waterlooville in the future. I celebrate the 18th year of my institution and induction this May (and the 31st year of my ordination), it seems hardly possible I have been her so long! Thank you for your part, with me over those years and may God bless all we do in his name in this parish. Malcolm Ferrier: Vicar of Waterlooville. Easter 2000. ST GEORGE'S CHURCHANNUAL REPORT FOR 1999Background St George's Church has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent, The Revd Malcolm Ferrier, in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the churchyard and church hail Membership Members of the PCC are either ex officio or elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting ( APCM) -in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. During the year the following served as members of the PCC : Incumbent: Wardens: The Revd Malcolm Ferrier Mrs Winifred Mancz Mr Tony Rice-Oxley Chairman (Until APCM 2000) Representatives on the Deanery Synod: Mrs Felicity Best Mrs Mary Hutchings Mr Eric Dinneen Mrs Margaret Symonds Elected members: Mrs
Christine Culley Mr Jim Dunster Mr Richard Handy Mr David Palmer Mr David
Peacock Mrs Julia Spurgeon Mrs Bronwen Wood Mrs Alison Norris, resigned 1999
Committees The PCC operates through a number of committees/groups, which meet between full meetings of the PCC. Church Attendance There are 191 parishioners on the Church Electoral Roll, of whom 48 are not resident within the parish. 8 names were added during the year and 1 was removed through death. The usual Sunday attendance, counted during February 1999 was 1 47, but this number increased at festivals. Review of the Year The full PCC met five times during the year, plus one emergency meeting, with an average level of attendance of 77%. Fabric, Finance and Pastoral sub committees continued to meet in & interim to enable items to & discussed in more detail, and report back to the full PCC. Comprehensive budget accounts continue to be sent out with the agenda each time, in order that the PCC members may peruse them before the PCC meeting. This has made it easier for members to monitor the up to date financial position. We have continued to support 1 7 wide ranging charities, both at home and overseas, in particular £236 to the Childrens' Society, £234 to our linked parish, St Mary Axim, Ghana, and £158 in support of Jubilee 2000. Money is constantly being raised for church funds over the year. The sponsored walk, barbecue, and Evensong at Q E Country Park in June raised £533. The planned giving through envelopes and banker's orders increased by £l,446 to £23,271, which included the tax recovered. We were grateful for a legacy £750 from the estate of Barbara Thackeray. £68,473.18 was spent to provide the Christian Ministry from St George's Church, including the contribution to the diocesan quota of £35289 & we met in full, an increase of 4.57%. After the Quinquennial Report, the following work was completed: repair of flat roofs and replacement of slates on the Lady Chapel roof, repairs to the east wall, tower safety ladders, and shelving in the tower. The railings at the back of the church were paid for by donation. The memorial desk and book were donated in the memory of Anne Plummer. 1999 saw the start of the first Alpha course; and a Toddlers' Service for babies and toddlers, (to form a link from baptism to Sunday School). We also opened the church every Friday morning and often other mornings) to enable passers by to call in for private prayer if they so wish. John Symonds produced a book called "The History of the Old Saint George's Church and Parish". On behalf of the PCC Adina Burton, Secretary Linda Wainwright, Treasurer. Treasurer's Report 1999It has again taken many hours of work to produce the full edition of the Parish Accounts presented. A simpler summary statement has been prepared this year for chose of you not so au fait with statements of Financial Activities and the like. During 1999 expenditure exceeded income by £13,756, taking into account: depreciation of the Church Hall calculated as £3,822, but an increase in the value of investments of £1O,830 reduced the overall deficit to £2,926.19. This compares with an overall profit figure of 82,581 for 1998. A total sum of £12,380 was taken from reserves to pay for the Church roof/east: wall repairs, architects fees, book print and part of the quota and will lead to a reduction in future investment income. Parsonages costs are now included within the quota figure which for 2000 rises by 3.87% to 836,657. Restricted funds are earmarked for the Church ramp, Eucharistic gifts, Churchyard Memorial garden and flower fund. Special thanks are due to everyone who has worked so hard to raise funds by holding many varied events throughout the year. This together with all the donations so generously given has provided valuable income to supplement the planned giving. Lastly my thanks are due to John Millard for all the work he does as Honorary Recorder; Eric Dinneen for banking the weekly stewardship envelope money; Barbara Clark for typing all the figure work; and George Coleman for performing the task of independent examiner for the third time. Annual Accounts to December 1999 Linda Wainwright: Honorary Treasurer CHURCHWARDENS' REPORTThe year 1999/2000 has seen three large projects completed in our church. The repairs to the east end, including the flat roofs over the sacristy and choir vestries have been undertaken, metal safety ladders provided in the tower and fencing erected round the memorial garden to deter the vandalism, which had been previously experienced in this area. A number of concerts have been held in the church, including the Portsmouth Chorus and pupils from Portsmouth High School. These have been organised to raise money for our church; the only disappointment is that so few members of our congregation support these events. A series of Alpha courses has been started, although so far these have not attracted people from outside our church community. Three yew trees at the front of the church have been felled, which has opened up the view of the church, even though the felling did cause some controversy. We are now in the process of making good the ground to provide a paved area in front of the church door. The provision of a ramp to the church steps had to be postponed because of the high cost, although the need for a new safe ramp must still be considered. The steps down to the hall have been widened and made safer together with the removal of the large tree, which was encroaching onto the hall roof. Bells have been provided in the tower, thanks to a very generous benefactor. The PCC are now discussing the possibility of erecting a floodlit cross on the tower front. In the run up to the millennium year, a deliberately deficit budget was set, to allow some overdue church modifications and repairs to be undertaken and for some millennium projects to be studied, ready for possible implementation the years 2000+. A deficit figure of £11,500 was set. In 1999, generally speaking our expenditure matched budget very well, with most income and expenditure coming in very nearly on line. In almost all cases our income exceeded expectations, but again our investment income took a knock with the low interest rates. We paid all our quota, erected new safety ladders in the church tower, paid for a thorough survey report on the church hall, completed the repairs due on the church roof which had been highlighted in the quinquennial report. The actual figures on expenditure hide a couple of sums which were deposits paid down on ongoing projects, which we will recoup during the next year. We were lucky with having a low figure for clergy expenses thanks to our small team of retired priests who take over when our Vicar is away. We are also thankful to the many parishioners who organise fund raising activities from rambles to coffee mornings to concerts etc. for a very thriving fund raising income. This must continue if we are to keep our head above water for, as was pointed out at a recent PCC meeting, we cannot go on expecting the luxury of deficit budgets each year. Our reserves are not that robust. As has become common practice now we enacted a small presentation in September to remind everyone that, in common with everything else, costs do go up and that each member must give consideration each year to an increase in their giving. All in all, a very busy year. Winifred Mancz and Tony Rice-Oxley St George's Church Hall Annual Report 19991999 was a year of financial consolidation and, prompted by the approaching Millennium, a year for reflection on the purpose and function of the Hail and its place as both a Church and a Community asset. Thus, as a starter to this process, a structural survey of the Hall was commissioned from a recommended Portsmouth firm of Valuers and Surveyors. The report highlighted a number of deficiencies, some of which were anticipated, whereas others came as 'shock'. How then do we, as laymen, deal with a professional report, which ran to 30 pages. With due respect to the authors, to us it seemed to smack of verbosity and repetition, possibly to safeguard themselves against any litigant-minded clients, a trend known to be creeping into the English legal scene from the United States. Repairs amounting to £40,000 were seemingly needed. A wider ad hoe committee studied the report. Subsequent investigation has shown that doubt regarding some of the factual content was well founded. Consultations also took place with the Diocesan Advisory Board, who are enthusiastic to see the site, on which the hall stands, fully developed with perhaps sheltered accommodation, appropriate car parking and a relocated hall above the Church on the town side. Nice as this sounds, the financial implications have a ring of telephone numbers, or, totals for lottery jackpot winners. In the meantime, some work has been carried out on the fabric of the hall. I mentioned earlier about the place of the hall in the community. I have been bruised by two events regarding outside groups, one more recent that the other. I refer to Weight Watchers leaving us with one week's notice after 20 plus years usage of the hall and in December 1 999 Purbrook Harmony gave six weeks notice after 16 plus years usage. How does one find a replacement at any time of the year, and, especially in December with Christmas on people's mind and this year the Millennium? I keep in regular contact with groups, often protect their rights of access, when there is a clash of wishes between ourselves, the Church and the Group as full time users. I see they are warm and literally have a roof over their heads. Since such groups pay a rent, they feel, no doubt, their obligation are fulfilled, whereas we, the trustees of the hall bear all the consequential on-going costs. St George's Church Hail is an outreach and the Committee should be able to operate in an open manner rather than as a commercial letting agencies, protected by a mass of small print. This ideology, however, seems to be under pressure and it is, perhaps, time for new faces to take up the Trusteeship, which has remained largely unchanged, except for the sad death of Doug. Shepherd, during the period of Father Malcolm's incumbency. Although managing the hall may be vested in one person, many visible and not so visible practical tasks are undertaken by a host of people, whom I do not propose to mention here by name but would nevertheless like them to know, through this report, that their efforts are warmly recognised and gratefully appreciated. For the record, we were concerned about the safety of the Hall on Millennium night, wondering whether to let it or to leave it empty. In the end, the Hall was used for a party by the Volunteer Firemen and their families. The Fire Service instructed that two crews were to remain alcohol free at all times. Furthermore, we reasoned, if there was crowd trouble in Waterlooville, firemen were experienced in dealing with the public. In the event, the party went with a swing, the hall remained in tact and we received a very generous donation. Now one wonders why one was worried but, at the time, it was a cause for real concern, which was shared with the PCC, such was its importance and potential impact. Andrew Clark, Waterlooville - 16 March 2000 Mothers' Union ReportThere has been a Mothers Union at St.Georges for nearly 90 years and it is a sad fact that in common with many other branches membership is. although loyal, rather small. As a branch we try hard to promote our membership and at present have sixteen afternoon members, nine evening and five indoor members of whom a high percentage are retired ladies. Our programme for 1999 was very varied, through out the year we had several speakers whose topics ranged from The Treasures of Cathedrals, Weather Vanes and Nigeria to an Aylesbury duck, which entertained us all. A craft workshop was also held in preparation for our Church Summer Fete and Christmas Bazaar and we had meetings at homes or in the church for Lent and Advent. Several members had special birthdays too as a 60,70 and 80th were celebrated. The year was not, however without sadness, with the death of two of our members, Mrs. Cork and Mrs. Atrill. Mrs Cork was an evening member who brought much laughter to our meetings. Mrs Atrill was a member for many years, she gave us wisdom and knowledge and witnessed how St. Georges MU group grew. Both will be sadly missed. Fund-raising and garden parties for overseas and Diocese projects are always part of our programme along with outings, local church events and invitations from other branch functions. Once again the Diocese had a very busy year holding special events such as, the parents and family matters quiet day, A.F.I.A. holiday week on the I.0.W, Celebration of Talent, project days, an all night vigil, Diocese Day where David Isaac spoke on Communion before Confirmation, and a workshop afternoon led by Joan Cozens who explored the causes and consequences of bullying. So as you see, new members have a lot to enjoy and become involved in. A very good publication entitled "Membership" written by Kate Hargreaves is on the MU notice, please take time to read it. I close my report by thanking Father Malcolm and all St. Georges MU members for their support during the past three years. I know Winifred Mancz, as the new Branch Leader will help the membership to grow and prosper. Yvonne Jones. Walsingham PilgrimageA total of nineteen pilgrims departed from St. Georges on Friday 9 April at 09:00hrs, with an estimated time of arrival of 1 6:00hrs at Walsingham. How optimistic could this have been! As after 2 comfort stops. 1 broken down coach. 2 ladies needing the toilet, 2 policeman arriving and many hours waiting on the roadside bank for a mechanic to repair the coach - still no sign of Walsingham! Following a necessary meal stop, we boarded coach number 2 for the onward journey. As if this wasn't enough, we then got held up in a traffic jam, road works and had to stop for a new driver who took us to our final destination. As you can imagine we were a very tired band of pilgrims but did arrive safe and sound to a sleeping Walsingham at 00:02hrs Saturday, some I 5 hours later! Walsingham was of course its usual glorious self, serene, tranquil, safe and above all full of Gods presence. This is truly the place where the mind, body and spirit can be calmed, refreshed and guided. During the weekend there was plenty of opportunity to attend the many services on the itinerary. On Saturday there was Mass in the Shrine Church, Stations of the Cross, and in the evening The Procession by candle light followed by Benediction. Sunday was also another full day with Mass, Intercessions, Laying on of hands and Holy Anointing and the Sprinkling at the Holy Well. Finally we all joined in the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction before we bid farewell. Following a spiritually refreshed weekend we all returned home as per schedule at our estimated time of arrival! Yvonne Jones. Walsingham CellThis is a group of pilgrims who wish to keep the spirit of Walsingham in their hearts. We meet bi-monthly in the chapel on a Saturday morning. We open with Mass followed by the Meditation of the Rosary and a short meeting with coffee and tea to bring us together in fellowship and discuss fund raising, progress and finances. Following this we return to the chapel for Benediction. Yvonne Jones. Church Flower FundAs shown in the accounts below, the flower fund exists from your generous donations, as with out these we could not decorate our church for festivals, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms and the daily worship through out the year. Many of you kindly supply flowers, foliage, plants and time but this year the flower rota is also in need of support as only a few weeks are covered by faithful arrangers who I am truly grateful to. Both June and I am extremely appreciative and thankful for any donations which you give and for your support. I am personally also very grateful to June Diaper who is such a dedicated flower arranger as without her help and time. the flowers would not keep and look as attractive as they do through out the year. Looking ahead... please can we have your help for The Millennium Flower Festival in June 2000. PASTORAL COMMITTEEThis is a relatively new committee and we are endeavouring to identify areas that are needed. A Toddlers Service was started in December with a small group of mothers and children. This will be on the second Thursday in the month and is a very simple service for young children to feel at home in church. All babies christened will be informed of the service and it is widely advertised, as we welcome everyone Handouts are in the library. A card detailing all the "Youth at St George's activities is being devised, including all the youth clubs, Sunday School etc and a contact telephone number for each group. Eight people attended an Alpha Course in Winifred Mancz's house, which was very thought provoking and interesting. More courses are planned for 2000. Church Watch - we now open the church every Friday morning (market day from 9 am to approximately I o'clock for private prayer, and a board stands near the pavement to let passers by know. If anyone would be interested in joining the Pastoral Committee who feels they could contribute ideas towards reaching a wider number of people in St George's Parish. please see the Vicar or Adina. BADMINTON GROUPThe idea for running a badminton group on Sunday evenings was a result of a successful Link Group activity. The decision was made to offer this activity to all church members and friends as a way of raising funds for the benefit of the Church, as well as enjoyment/exercise for those taking part. Since commencement last year, some £72.61 has been handed over from those taking part, after deducting costs involved in setting up- shuttlecocks, drinks, and chalks for marking out the court. To save "chalking out" a court out each time the hall is used, it was suggested that a court be permanently marked out. Since no objections were voiced, this was marked out in yellow, which shows up very clearly. Many thanks to Colin and Rosemary Monk for their efforts in this regard. The group usually meet every other Sunday, and all church members and friends are welcome, cost £1 per person. Many thanks to everyone who has supported this evening and helped raise funds for the church into the bargain. David Palmer MAGAZINE COMMITTEEDuring 1999 the magazine committee met on three occasions. Two new members joined the committee and they are:- Winifred Mancz who took on the role of Chairperson from Father Malcolm in June, and Jim Dunster who took over the role of Advertising Manager from Larysa Thatcher in September. As in past years the topics discussed were:- the magazine's articles and layout, the photocopier, advertising -and the magazine's production. In the run-up to the year 2000 different photographs of St George's were used for the front cover picture and the font. and heading layouts were changed to give a new style look and make it easier to read. More articles submitted for publication and serialisations from our congregation have been particularly welcome -thanks must go to all our contributors, most of whom have been writing for quite some time. If anyone wishes to write an article, please contact the Editor, contributions are always welcome. The number of copies printed and sold remained fairly constant at approximately 280 per issue, however, distribution could be greater considering the size of the parish. Please consider buying a copy for friends and neighbours. Many thanks to Babs, who for many years has always had the largest distribution circle and also sells at the Church door. Whilst the photocopier has given long and faithful service for some eight years now, discussion regarding its future has been a major topic and the committee is drawing up plans to obtain a replacement (subject to PCC approval) should this be necessary. All of the church's photocopying costs are covered by magazine revenue. Adverting continued to be well subscribed and needs to be kept to at least 50% of the contents of the magazine for it to remain in profit. Advertising rates were increased by approximately 3.5% to take effect from 2000. This increase is the first for three years. Larysa Thatcher (Secretary) LINK GROUP REPORTThe Link Group had a busy summer term helping with the fete and sponsored walk and barbecue. They especially enjoyed a visit to the Customs and Excise at the ferry port in Portsmouth We wish Sarah, Becky and Jo the very best of luck in their university courses and we also wish Andrew good luck in his new job in Chichester. We took forward to seeing them when they are home. Membership has dwindled because of young people moving onto university or new jobs so we are combining our fortnightly meetings with badminton in the church hall. Within our meetings we have contributed to the Christmas Bazaar and family Eucharist. We also contributed talents to the Parish Review. To mark the millennium the Link Group has been making a photographic record of parish life and we are currently compiling a file of personal family records. If there is anybody who is 16+ and would like to join the Link Group we now meet in the church hall on Sunday every fortnight alongside the badminton group. Lesley Handy YOUTH CLUB REPORT 1999Youth Club stated the year with 16 members. We had decided on trying a slightly different format with having more meetings in the hall and therefore being more relaxed about whether members came or not. Also it meant it was easier for members to bring a friend should they wish to do so. We tried to keep the programme varied as before with games, skittles, cooking, drama, debate, and craft in the hall. Then we had a few 'out' meetings to the cinema (James Bond) and skating at The Spectrum, Guildford, and a party at Glendene. In July a small group went to the Christian Youth Enterprise sailing day off Chidham island, when everyone had a good time (except possibly for TRO who got his knees caught in the canoe when it went over and nearly drowned.- well that's his story!). There were three main activities an assault course, and canoe and sailing instruction periods. After a very hard days sport we joined in with the many other Youth Clubs there that day for an evening meal and worship aboard the Minesweeper moored at the base. Altogether a great day which we hope to repeat next year. Several members joined in the Sunday afternoon sponsored ramble, Bar B cue and "Evensong in the Park", and other Church fund-raisers such as the Knockout games evening and building the enormous bonfire for the fireworks evening. All in all we raised over £150 for Naomi House as well as sums for Church income. Numbers have not varied much during the year, though we were sad to lose Kate, Ria, Billy and Lama who all found that their other commitments did not allow them so much free time for Youth Club activities. Carly Aylmer left after several years, as did Daniel Waddilove and Daniel Thatcher. However we welcomed new members Luke, Holly, Claire, and Jessica. As before we have kept up our regular input and participation in the once a month Family Eucharist service and wherever possible in other Church activities. ST.GEORGE'S SOCIAL AND FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE REPORT 1999/2000On the social and fund raising front St. George's had a full and varied year. We started in April with our St. George's Day Parish lunch which was attended by 100! We had a special photograph taken to celebrate the Millennium We sold Easter Eggs in St.George's mugs. The Summer Fete took place on May 15 and once again we were lucky with the weather. In June David Palmer arranged a sponsored walk, barbecue and Evensong in Queen Elizabeth Country Park. In July there was the yearly Knockout Tournament at Glendene in aid of Naomi House where once again we were blesed with good weather There's nothing worse than getting wet on one of these occasions if it's cold and raining! On July 10 there was the Parish outing to Cardiff where a lovely day was had by all. Sight-seeing, having a conducted tour of Llandaff Cathedral, and a lovely evensong in Pentrych Church courtesy of Fr. Graham. In the Autumn we held a Harvest Barn Dance and a Quiz Night followed by the Bonfire Night party in November. We organised a Race Night for church funds and our annual London trip for Christmas shopping and a visit to the theatre. This years shows were West Side Story and Whistle Down The Wind. The Christmas Bazaar was at the beginning of December and our carol concert with punch and mince pies was on the 19th. This years St.George's players production; Simply The Best, was at the end of February to avoid any clashes with the Millennium celebrations. There were coffee mornings at the Vicarage and Jumble Sales to raise money for underwriting social events. Overall it has been a constant steam of activities intended to cater for all tastes. Hopefully you were at one of them. Jane Rice-Oxley St. George's 100 Club Annual ReportFirstly a belated happy new year to you all. Congratulations to all those of you who have been winners in the past year and good luck to the rest of you for the coming year. 1999 has been another good year for the club with us continuing to achieve 100 members for every month of the year. This has meant that we have been able to pay out £600 in prize money and have the sum of £618.27 (£18.27 building society interest for the year) still to donate to a good cause. Having asked for suggestions on how to disperse the profit, the only one to come forward was to investigate carrying out repairs to / replacement of the piano in the hall. As the 100 club was originally set up to assist the hall this would seem an admirable suggestion. A fully functioning piano would be an asset to the hall and would be of great use to the Sunday School. St George's Director of Music, Colin Towner, has kindly volunteered his expertise to research the subject and come forward with a proposal. For future years I would suggest that the profits from the club are passed to the PCC to be used for the good of the congregation. If anyone has any views on this perhaps they would be good enough to see me. Shown below are the 1999 winners. January 99 - 96 - David Palmer - £10, 77 - J Beddoe £5 February 99 - 33 - A Burtenshaw £10, 45 - L Handy £5 March 99 - 51 - V Aust £75, 90 - S Cork (Decd) £10 - 65 - R Loveman £5 April 99 - 87 - E Wilman - £10 - 91- J Pearce - £5 May 99 - 80 - M Hutchings - £75 - 53 - C Rice-Oxley - £10 - 66 - A Norris - £5 June 99 - 2 - K Allison - £10 - 62 - C Bradley - £5 July 99 - 79 - R Griffiths - £10 - 35 - A Clarke - £5 August 99 - 36 - J Casson - £10 - 99 - K Bradley - £5 September 99 - 8 - T Churchill - £75 - 9 - A Linney - £10 - 66 - A Norris - £5 October 99 - 47 - A Rice-Oxley - £10 - 73 - G Jones - £5 November 99 - 7 - Youth Club - £10 - 94 - K Hitchcock - £5 December 99 - 55 - C Wilman - £100 - 24 - P Gasser - £75 - 15 - V Wills - £25 - 49 - J Johnson - £10 Finally, prompt payment of subscriptions when I hand out those dreaded reminders would be of great assistance. Colin Monk |
page last updated 9 APRIL 2000 |