this article was published in the May 1996 edition of St George's News
Back in October 1989 St George's News abandoned the manual typewriter and adopted the computer age for typesetting and layout of the magazine. The computer system used then was at the forefront of technology, and over the course of time the equipment has expanded, increased or upgraded, with today's computer many times faster and memory intensive, high definition laser printing, high definition flatbed scanning, image manipulation software, OCR recognition software, vector image conversion software, a massive CD rom clip-art library, colour printing capability, and around 450 quality hinted/scaffolded fonts.
So with its "high tech" pedigree, it is appropriate that we should be looking to the publishing medium of the 21st century. Yes, the On-line edition of St George's News has been launched on the Internet. Now anyone on the Internet, anywhere in the whole world (including Australia!?) can download their On-line edition of St George's News.
The On-line edition of St George's News is a condensed version of the full magazine, containing the Vicar's letter, and selected features from the magazine including Garden Gossip and the Book of the Month review. The full content of the magazine's inside cover is available, and all our advertisers have their names and services listed. The diary page is a comprehensive combination of the Magazine calendar and Bulletin information on forthcoming events. Another page contains the month's birthday list, which means that everyone whose birthday appears in the magazine will at some time in the year have their name broadcast over Information Superhighway.
OK, so there are not many in our congregation with access to the Internet. But we are there, ready for the time in the not so distant future when an Internet box on top of the TV will be as commonplace as a video is now. But the real point is that it is an extension of the outreach into the community, which is what the magazine is all about. The Internet gives us a world wide audience, and in the Waterlooville area there will be thousands of people who do have Internet access. There will be people moving into the area who will, out of curiosity, search on the internet for "Waterlooville" and they will find St George's News there, ready to inform them about our Church community, and the fellowship we can offer.
The On-line edition of St George's News will be updated every month (excepting the diary which will be updated weekly) and will be improved and expanded over time. Any suggestions and ideas will be welcomed. If you are on the Internet, please take a look.
written by John Johnson
St George's News went onto the World Wide Web in February 1996. The first Church Parish Magazine on the Internet. Since writing this article, the On-Line Edition has been expanded and now is virtually identical to the printed version in its content. From 1997 onwards all editions are archived.
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