1st July 2020
Public Worship in Church - starting from Sunday 5th July
The Church Wardens and I met this morning to determine what measures need to be taken to ensure that we are able to safely open St George’s Church for public worship as soon as possible. We were guided by the guidance provided by the Church of England, and have concluded that we will be ready to open this coming Sunday (5th July) when the Eucharist will be celebrated at 8AM and 10AM, and again on Wednesday 8th July at 10AM. This is indeed good news, but there are a number of things that you will need to be aware of to ensure your own safety and the safety of other worshippers.

To ensure that the two-metre rule is adhered to we can only accommodate a maximum of 50 people for each service.

You are kindly asked to ensure you maintain the two-metre rule when entering and leaving the church.

If you fall into a High Risk Category (which means you are clinically extremely vulnerable) or are in a Moderate Risk Category (which means you are clinically vulnerable), you need to consider whether to attend public worship at this time. The decision whether to do so is yours alone, but please ensure that you are aware of the potential risk.

If you wish to attend either service on Sunday (and subsequent Sundays) you will need to book a place each week by emailing me on parishpriest@stgeorges.church (please DO NOT press reply to this email) or by ringing the parish office number (02392 258079). Leave your name and the service which you intend to attend. If you are coming with your family please advise how many will be coming with you. Please advise by 5PM on Friday if at all possible.

It is unlikely you will be able to sit in your ‘usual’ place. There is an absolute necessity that everyone sits 2 metres apart (with the exception of those from a single household who can sit together).

Upon entering the church you will have your temperature taken with a non-invasive monitor.

You will be asked to sanitise your hands as you enter the church.

Singing is not permitted in church at this time.

We are not permitted to share the peace.

The collection plate will be kept by the font for you to leave your offering. The plate will not be passed through the congregation during the offertory.

Communion will be in one kind only and the host will be administered to each individual where you are sitting so as to ensure the two-metre rule is adhered to.

If you are not able to attend church in person, or choose not to do so, we will nevertheless be streaming the 10AM service on both Sundays and Wednesdays (as now) so that you can follow as usual on our website or on YouTube

When coming to the church would you please adhere to the instructions of either the wardens or those who are stewarding.

We are not able to offer refreshments after the service at the moment.

When the service ends, please do not congregate outside the church, and ensure you adhere to the 2 metre rule where possible.

I am aware that all this sounds rather like a draconian list but I am sure you appreciate our commitment to ensure that everyone is as safe as possible.

With love and prayers

Fr Colin