1) What was Paul also known as? a) Barnabas. b) Saul. c) Barabbas. d) Simon.
2) Who joined Ananias in his sin? a) Anna. b) Sapphria. c) Priscilla. d) Deborah.
3) What is the number of the beast in Revelations? a) 662. b) 666. c) 668. d) 676.
4) How many years did the Jews tell Jesus it took to build the temple? a) 26. b) 36. c) 46. d) 56.
5) Who murdered John the Baptist? a) Archelaus. b) Herod. c) Pilate. d) Philip.
6) How many years had the man at Bethesda been an invalid? a) 10. b) 23. c) 38. d) 44.
7) What did John the Baptist eat? a) Bread. b) Locusts. c) Caviar. d) Maize.
8) Whom did Paul tell to drink a little wine beause of his frequent illnesses. a) Timothy. b) Titus. c) Silas. d) Luke.
9) Who was Peter's brother? a) Andrew. b) James. c) John. d) Bartholomew.
10) What was the trade of the apostle Paul? a) Fishing. b) Innkeeping. c) Cooking. d) Tentmaking.
11) In the parable of the banquet, which excuse was not used by those invited? a) I have just bought five yoke of oxen. b) I have just bought a field. c) I have just got married. d) My wife is pregnant.
12) Who said 'I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?' a) Peter. b) John. c) Paul. d) Silas.
Bill Hutchings
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