Just time to write this article and update you all on the final financial transactions for 2001 before I start work in earnest on preparing the past year's accounts. I attended a Treasurers' training session on January 12th to highlight changes brought about by issue of the Charities Act 1993 and the PCC 2nd edition 2001 document which applies retrospectively to 2001 despite the changes only receiving final approval in November. The PCC are grateful to those of you who have lent money to the church totalling £13,000 and this enabled me to pay off £5,000 arrears and meet our 2001 quota commitment of £38,890 in full. Quota payments for 2002 will be £3,500 per month. The following donations to general church funds have also been gratefully received - £300 from Oaklands School, £556.92 from St George's 100 Club, £200 from the Social Committee and £172 from the Wednesday morning coffee monies together with a £1,000 legacy from the estate of the late Vera Copeland. Net income from the Bazaar on December 1st was £1,909 an excellent result. Collections at the service of Nine Lessons and Carols realised £87.05, Midnight Mass £107.03 and on Christmas Day £136.15. Donations to the Church in lieu of Christmas Cards totalled £72 plus gift aid due on the majority of that sum and the Bookstall safe yielded £80.65. The retiring collection in November for the Church of England Pensions Board reached £147.83 with the Leprosy Mission receiving £32.15 from collection boxes for the second half of the year. The Children's Society received a total of £333.47 with £149.77 coming from December's retiring collection and the balance from envelopes, boxes and a collection at the combined Christingle and Crib Service on December 24th. £1,339.80 for new albs for the Servers dedicated on Advent Sunday was covered entirely by fund raising, gift aid donations and contributions from the Servers themselves at no cost to the PCC. £9,000 has been placed on deposit and general outgoings include Christmas newspaper advert £17, faculty fees £52.08, organ tune £94, photocopier charges £106.96 and lottery licence £17.50. Repair of damage to the Sacristy and Vestry windows has so far cost £200 subject to additional work and an insurance claim. As regards 2002 outgoings already include annual insurance £1,041.53, Membership of Royal School of Church Music £63, purchase of a new higher step ladder for use in the church £69.97 being mindful of Health and Safety implications, capitation fees to the Diocese £60 and Pompey Chimes magazine subscription £80. Linda Wainwright |
page last updated 31 JANUARY 2002 |