Welcome to the February 2002 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

cover for the February 2002 issue
Norman's CartoonSt George's Ladies GroupChristian AidBonifaceBook CornerDo we only know about the Orphans?BKVA Western Canada TripCrosswordCountry ChurchesHangover WalkFestival of RemembranceThe Review of the RevueA Mediaeval FeministFinancial UpdateVicar's NotesChurch Officersfrom the Bishop

Home Page

photo of St George's

phpto of St George's

past features



from the Bishop | Church Officers| Vicar's Notes | Financial Update | A Mediaeval Feminist | The Review of the Revue| Hangover walk | Country Churches | Crossword | Ruby's Memoirs | British Korean Veterans Association Western Canada Trip | Do we only know about the Orphans? Women's World Day of Prayer | Book Corner | Boniface | Christian Aid | St George's Ladies Group | Norman's Cartoon

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