for the April 2000, Annual Church Meeting,
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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL EASTER YESTRY MEETING HELD ON SUNDAY, 9 APRIL 2000 with the Vicar, Father Malcolm, in the Chair. Therewere 66 persons present. APOLOGIES were received from Lesley Handy, Jennefer Higginbottom, George and Myra Coleman, Sara Monk, Sue Towner, Margaret and John Symonds, Jaye Warren, Roz Etherington, June Diaper, Vi and Den Wills, Roslyn Edwards, Richard Spurgeon, John Williams. The Minutes of last year's meeting were read and accepted as a true record. The Vicar then signed these. Appointment of Churchwarden As Winifred Mancz had served five years as Churchwarden, due to many ongoing projects (instead of four) she resigned. The Vicar thanked her for being so supportive and helpful during all her term of office. Tony Rice-Oxley has served two years. Lynn Winter was nominated by Norman Linney as the new Churchwarden, seconded by Winifred Mancz, and agreed by the meeting unanimously. Both Churchwardens were confirmed in office. The meeting closed. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING held on Sunday, 9 April 2000, in the Church Hall after the Sunday Eucharist. There were 66 persons present. The Vicar, Father Malcolm Ferrier, was in the Chair APOLOGIES -as for the Vestry Meeting. MINUTES OF 1999 APCM Mr Dinneen proposed that we accept the minutes, seconded by Mr Trevithick. They were then signed by Father Malcolm as a true and accurate record of that meeting MATTERS ARIING - there were no matters arising. TREASURER'S REPORT AND AUDITED PCC ACCOUNTS The Treasurer, Miss Linda Wainwright,said the examined accounts for 1999 were formally approved by the PCC on 2nd March 2000 and are only for discussion here today. The accounts as presented were a little thinner this year. This is not because the format for the accounts has been reduced - far from it - the finance documentation required by the Charity Commissioners runs to I 5 pages. Rather than reproduce this in its entirety, it was felt the majority of the congregation might better receive a more user-friendly summary, by condensing nine of these pages to one A4 sheet However, it must be noted that the full accounts were issued to the PCC, several other interested parties, and can still be provided to anyone else by request (to the Treasurer please)- there is no secret about it. There is also a copy for inspection on the church noticeboard. The treasurer explained the facts and figures summary that shows net income and expenditure, whereas formal accounts have to be shown as gross income with expenses. The resultant deficit figure of £13,755.97 appears on the statement of Financial Activities under total funds 1999 net outgoing resources and here is where the documents tie in. As stated in the treasurer's report,income from investment of £10,830 reduced the overall shortfall for the year to £2,926. Once again, the figures include depreciation of the church hall calculated as £3,822 for 1999. The £12,380 withdrawn from reserves paid for the church roof/east wall repairs, architect's fees, book prints and part of the quota. Our quota has increased by almost 4%, £36,657 for the year 2000, which is over $3000 per month, and causes cashflow problem. As regards the balance sheet, tangible fixed assets are the value of the church hall and investment assets stocks and shares. £11,000 of current assets in short-term deposits belong to the church and £7,000 to the hall. Restricted funds of £2,500 are held for the ramp, Eucharistic gifts, church memorial garden, and flower fund. The treasurer had been to a seminar with John Millard the Recorder, on Gift Aid Scheme, which will replace covenants. We may be able to recoup some more tax refund. See John Millard for advice re tax on regular contributions. The PCC had also approved a £6,000 overspend budget for 2000, but we need to think hard how to raise funds and new ideas are always welcome. The Treasurer thanked John Millard, Eric Dinneen, Barbara Clark (typing) who have been a great assistance to her, and George Coleman for auditing the accounts for the third year. Father Malcolm thanked Linda for her incredibly hard work in producing the large and complicated accounts, as recommended by the Church Commissioners. Tony Rice-Oxley endorsed her consistent conscientious work throughout the year. ELECTORAL ROLL Details are in the Annual Report for 1999 Total number to date on the Roll is 202. ELECTION OF THE PCC Two people were standing down; David Peacock and Alison Norris, and Felicity Best had resigned as Deanery Synod representative. We had been one short on the PCC, so there were four vacancies in all. Four nominations had been received, Mrs Jane Cook, Mrs Sandra-Hewett, Mrs Nancy Parry for PCC. Mrs Candy Williams had been nominated to represent St George's at the Deanery Synod. These people were all appointed. ELECTION OF- SIDESMEN/WOMEN Maureeen Gregory wished to come off the list, and Sean Trevithick was voted on. The Vicar suggested that the serving sidespersons should be accepted en bloc. The sidespersons were, therefore, duly elected to service for another year, and thanks were given for their loyal service. APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT EXAMINER The Independent Examiner was duly reappointed. REPORTS The various reports were all included in the APCM booklet. A few additional remarks were made as follows: The Vicar thanked everyone who contributed to the life of the church The meeting stood out of respect for those people who had died in the last year Anne Plummer, Elizabeth Atrill, Ken Makins (our architect), Alice Welford, Ray Baines and Harry Casson. Churchwardens' Report Mr Rice Oxley asked the congregation to bear with them with reference to the churchyard. They are trying to finish the paved area as economically as possible. Hall Mr Rice-Oxley referred to the full report on this in the April 2000 magazine. Decisions will have to be made. The Hall Committee are looking at four options 1 ) repairs, probably about £75,000, 2) repairs plus improvements £150,000 approximately, 3) rebuild on same site £350,000 approx. 4) build on a new site, probably about the same estimate. Walsingham There were 23 going this year from St George's church. Church Flowers Donations are always wanted, for the Easter flowers especially. Out of 78 letters sent to local businesses about the Flower Festival in June, only two responded. Magazine We may have to face the fact that we need a new photocopier soon -the revenue from the magazine sales pays for it. Interesting articles needed, suitable for a church magazine. It is part of our Christian outreach. More sellers required. Social and Fund Raising Both committees have now been amalgamated into one. There are lots of people doing many small fund raising events, which is so essential. More ideas are needed, on fund raising events which you would enjoy. Sunday School This is continuing to thrive. Nine members are going on to Confirmation. They now have a structured teaching course, and the childred know their aim for the day. They finish off their colouring in church (this keeps them quiet!) Thanks were given to the Wednesday Coffee Morning for funds for confirmation booklets. They have initiated a small voluntary subscription. Choir Colin Towner said there were 20 choristers on the books, Claire Bradley had retired from Head Chorister, replaced by Natasha Cook. Jane Cook and Sandra Hewett are the "Robe Mistresses". Colin gave special thanks to Bill Hutchings who prints all psalms. He thanked Father Malcolm for being so interested in, and supportive of, the choir. AOB The Vicar announced that Ruth Loveman has decided to offer herself for Ordination to the Sacred Ministry. She has been advised by the Diocesan Director of Ordination to worship at another parish to give her a wider vision of the Church of England as she has been at St George's since a baby! He thanked Ruth for all she had done and hoped she would keep in touch. There was unanimous approval. Tony Rice Oxley said that rumour has it Father Malcolm had asked her to leave St George's. Father Malcolm denied this, as the DDO had advised her to remove for more experience. Ruth replied to this criticism by saying "it was her decision, and that at no time has Fr Malcolm suggested that I leave." (May 2000 Parish News). Father Malcolm thanked Adina Burton, who is standing down after serving four -years as Secretary of the PCC. A new secretary will be appointed or co-opted at the first PCC meeting on the 18th May 2000. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 12.45 pm with prayers and -the Grace. The Vicar's Report to the Annual Church Meeting 2001 The A.C.M. is an opportunity each year to thank all those who have done so much during the past year for the work of Christ in this parish and whose reports you can read in the following pages. I would especially like to thank the Churchwardens, Tony Rice-Oxley and Lynn Winter, members of the Church Council, and all the various P.C.C. committees and organisations who have done so much over the year. We are a Eucharistic People and the Holy Eucharist is at the centre of our worship and life at St. George's, as it should be. On the whole our Sunday attendance has remained about the same and the average for the Sunday attendance return to the diocese for the month of October was 1 57 out of an Electoral Roll of 201, not including those who worship on weekdays. I said last year that our communicant average had been maintained at a time when the rest of the Church of England had shown a decline, and this remains true for the millennium year and, although we should not take pleasure in this, at least it gives us some satisfaction. Let us hope that this will improve for the church at large in an age of indifference and apathy. At St. George's twenty infants were baptised ( 1990-60), there were four weddings ( 199017), and thirteen people were presented to the bishop for confirmation. We had 3 5 funerals (l3 in church). We began the Millennium Year with a Eucharist on New Year's Day with over 70 communicants, followed by a Millennium Service with over 100 people present. There were a number of events during the year: an exhibition of historical photographs; the dedication of digital bells; a party went to the Passion Play at Oberammergau; a Deanery Eucharist on Hayling Island; a Jubilee Eucharist at the London Arena with the Archbishop of York, 36 bishops, 800 priests and 10,000 lay people (over 25 went from St. George's); the Area Chrism Eucharist at Weybridge; the annual Walsingham pilgrimage; the Walsingham Festival at the Cathedral when the statue of 0.L.W. was brought from the Shrine itself; our Patronal Festival and annual luncheon; the Diocesan Servers Guild Eucharist; the Chapter of the Society of the Holy Cross; a pilgrimage to Canterbury and the Confirmation by the Bishop of Portsmouth. In addition we had the usual ex-service parades and services and several concerts by Portsmouth High School and the Towner family. Various clergy came to preach and celebrate the Eucharist at different times in the year: The Bishop of Portsmouth, Canon Bob White, Fr Chris Lowson (the Archdeacon of Portsmouth), Fr Henry Theobald, Fr Michael Lewis, Fr Colin Tamer and Fr Arthur Green who celebrated the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination in December with a special Eucharist of Thanksgiving. Mr. Gordon Uphill, the Diocesan Resources Advisor, also came to speak one Sunday. The Mothers Union branch celebrated the 90 anniversary of its formation in the parish and Mrs. Winifred Mancz was enrolled as the Branch Leader. Mrs. Margaret Symonds completed her term of office as the Diocesan President. We began using the new services of Common Worship that have replaced the Alternative Service Book ( 1980) and these seem to have met with some satisfaction so far. These have given us much new material and variety, although I could wish they had not all been authorised at the same time! We have lost through death since our last A.C.M. Joan Dawson and Phyllis Smith. May they rest in peace and rise in glory. Sadly, after Easter we shall lose Fr Colin and Sue Towner who are moving to Southsea where Fr Colin is to take up part-time ministry again as priest-in-charge of St. Peter's in the parish of St. Jude's, Southsea. We are most grateful to him for all he has done over the last three years as our Director of Music and Organist. I am praying that we shall find someone of equal excellence to take up the high standard that he has achieved. Music is of such importance in our worship and we need to find someone who can take up what has been achieved and to build up our small choir. Thank you all for your part with me in extending God's kingdom in this place. May St. George's always be a beacon of light of Christ in this town and parish. Malcolm Ferrier Vicar of Waterlooville ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH - ANNUAL REFORT; FOR 2000 Backgound St. George's Church has the responsibility of cooperating with the incumbent, The Reverend Malcolm Ferrier, in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the churchyard and church hall. Membership Members of the PCC are either ex officio or elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. During the year the following served as members of the PCC: Incumbent: The Reverend Malcolm Ferrier Wardens: Mrs Winifred Mancz Mr Tony Rice-Oxley (until APCM 2000) Miss Lynn Winter (from APCM 2000) Representatives on & Deanery Synod: Mr Eric Dinneen (until June 2000) Mrs Margaret Symonds (until June 2000) Mrs Mary Hutchings Mrs Candy Williams (from APCM 2000)
Elected Members: Mrs Jane Cook Mrs Christine Culley Mr. Jim Dunster (resigned September 2000), Mr Richard Handy Mrs Sandra-Hewett Mr David Palmer (until APCM 2001), Mrs Nancy Parry Mrs Julia Spurgeon (until APCM 2001) Mrs Bronwen Wood (until APCM 2001) Ex-Officio) Mrs Adina Burton (Secrteary, until APCM 2000) Miss Linda Wainwright (Treasurer) Mrs Jaye Warren (Secretary from APCM 2000) Committees The PCC operates through a number of committees/groups, which meet between full meetings of the PCC. Church Attendance There were 201 parishioners on the Church Electoral Roll, of whom 50 were not resident within the parish. Eleven names were added during the year and two were removed through death. The usual Sunday attendance, counted during February 2000, was 1 57, but this number increased at festivals. Review of the Year The full PCC met five times during the year, plus two emergency meetings, with an average attendance of 81% Fabric, Finance and Pastoral sub-committees continued to meet in the interim to enable items to be discussed in more detail, and reported back to the full PCC. Comprehensive budget accounts continue to be sent out with the agenda each time, in order that the PCC members may peruse them before the PCC meeting. This has made it easier for members to monitor the up-to-date financial position. We have supported 16 wide-ranging charities, both at home and overseas, in particular £500 to the Mozambique Flood Appeal, £317 to the Children's Society, £364 to our linked parish; St. Mary Axim, Ghana, as well as supporting two children under the African Child Trust Scheme. Money was constantly being raised for church funds over the year, in particular £903 from an Auction of Promises and £546 from a sponsored walk. The planned giving through envelopes and banker's orders increased by just over £1000 to £20,500, excluding tax. We have endeavoured to maximise the use of the Gift Aid Scheme and were particularly grateful to Mr Gordon Uphill, Parish Resources Advisor, for his attendance and advice at two PCC meetings and for addressing the congregation in November on the subject of Christian Stewardship. We were grateful for a legacy of £500 from the estate of Mr Ray Baines. £62,617.28 was spent to provide the Christian Ministry from St. George's Church, including the contribution to the diocesan quota of £36,657, an increase of 3.87%, which we met in full. A new photocopier for church use was purchased at a cost of £2750; the removal of churchyard yew trees and subsequent paving of the area cost £ 1337; the new Common Worship service was introduced at St. George's at the beginning of Advent, necessitating the provision of new service books and the production of service booklets for the use of the congregation. We were grateful for a generous, anonymous donation. which enabled digital bells to be installed for the Millennium. During the year the PCC considered the "First to the Lord" report, How Best to Serve Diocesan Schools, and the future of the Church Hall. On behalf of the PCC Linda Wainwright, Treasurer Jaye Warren, Secretary TREASURER'S REP0RT 2000 The accounts have once again taken a great: deal of time to collate and produce and despite this being my fourth year as Treasurer the task does not seem to get any easier! A simpler summary of the accounts is reproduced overleaf for your information. During 2000 not only was a loss of £9,134 incurred (including depreciation of: £3,917) but investments dropped in value by £3,3l3, although acquisition of a new photocopier value £2,752 reduced the overall deficit on paper to £9,695. Quite clearly the Church cannot continue to run on a deficit budget and the cumulative effects of withdrawing funds from deposit accounts (£5,500 during 2000) has substantially reduced our income from interest by nearly £600. The income from fees for weddings and funerals has plummeted by over El,000 to £1,210 a sign of the times with numerous other venues now available for weddings. The Gift Aid Scheme has been maximised wherever possible with income from planned giving and tax refunds rising by over £2,000 and the pink gift aid envelopes are beginning to appear everywhere! Nevertheless it is anticipated that the 2001 quota of £38,890 (an increase of £2,233) is unlikely to be met in full. Magnificent and varied fund raising efforts have continued to provide a large proportion of income and donations to the Church of £l,000 from the 100 Club and nearly £200 from the Wednesday coffee morning monies were gratefully received and have significantly helped the cash flow situation. My thanks are due to John Millard now the Claims Secretary and Winifred Mancz Honorary Recorder for the work they do; Eric Dinneen for banking the weekly Stewardship envelope money; Barbara Clark for deciphering my .hand written accounts and turning them into this typed document; and George Coleman for once again undertaking the duties of independent examiner. Annual Accounts to December 2000 Linda Wainwright Honorary Treasurer Churchwardens Report 2000 This millennium year has been a year much dominated by our realisation of recent deficit budgets, and the subsequent drain on our investments. Decisions were taken to restrict expenditure on all but essential items. As a consequence very little maintenance work was undertaken during the year. Notwithstanding the above there were certain works carried out, and the area at the rear of the church received a good clean out and all the paths were sprayed with weed killer. The yew tree project concluded, although at a price greatly in excess of what we anticipated, due to the difficulty in removing the roots without damage to the graves. Whilst decisions were made to restrict expenditure, it was nonetheless thought sensible to have something to show for the millennium, and the project to install an illuminated cross on the outside front of the church tower was approved, although at the time of print has not yet completed due to awaiting faculty. A decision was also made to proceed with the installation of a toilet in church, to be sited in a small area of the current vestry, although again this is still awaiting faculty approval. It was decided that this second project should be entirely pre-financed so the actual work will not go ahead until funds are raised. As the recent ramp project had to be cancelled due to the exorbitant cost, some of the money raised towards that project was used to provide a new aluminium ramps to replace the existing wooden ones which were in need of urgent repair or replacement. It was decided to simplify the key situation within the church and a project to replace certain locks and update key registration was commenced. It was also decided to install a key safe for the safe keeping of all keys to the inside doors of the church and hall, to reduce the number of keys any individual would have to carry. The sacristy keys are excluded from this project as recent losses from the sacristy have emphasised the need to keep that area particularly secure. A set of digital bells was installed thanks to an anonymous donor, and these can be heard at some distance sounding out the Angelus, pealing, tolling and even playing Christmas Carols in that season. Our thanks to the donor for this very special donation. The old photocopier had been in place for many years beyond its realistic life expectancy, and a decision was taken to replace it with a new model at a very advantageous price through our connections with Hampshire County Supplies. The new machine is highly featured and makes the job of magazine production a lot easier and cheaper. A letter rack was installed at the rear of church in an attempt to generally tidy up the mess which often happens in that area. The very heavy rains during the winter caused a major flood within the tower, and thence to the body of the church, when a major downpipe became disconnected, thus allowing roof flood water to pour into the tower. This has caused major electrical failures and at the time of print the tower remains in darkness and awaiting the attention of professional electricians. The work is anticipated to be extensive but it is hoped to recoup some or all of that expenditure via our insurance. Apart from that, the structure of the church building remains sound, and no other major works have had to be carried out. Considerable efforts were made to introduce Gift Aid, the successor to Covenanting, and to explain the advantages that this brings. The Diocesan Resources Advisor came to talk to the Congregation, and so far the new scheme seems to be operating well, with the new pink envelopes much in evidence. The new Finance Notice Board in the porch outlines the scheme. It is hoped to pursue this stewardship theme in the new year with a special effort being made in the Spring to emphasise the need for people to update their contributions. Our thanks go to our Treasurer for the magnificent way that she has undertaken her duties, particularly with the change over to Gift Aid, and for tremendous support she has provided to both Churchwardens in their duties. The church hall continues to give cause for thought but the heavy rains seem to have made no inroads into the building structure, despite the state of the roof, and it was decided to formulate a policy plan for the hall to continue for the next 5 years. At the time a print the hall report has yet to be discussed at PCC. During the year both Churchwardens have received enormous help from so many of the congregation that it is impossible to mention one or all. However our thanks are heartfelt. Finally, and sad to report, it was thought prudent to prewarn the Deanery Finance Committee that there was a likelihood of our being unable to meet our Quota share in the next year, without further serious inroads into our invested reserves. Such inroads have been made for the past 5 years now, and it was thought that this was the time to call a halt to this practice. Doubts have been raised about the policy of retaining any reserves but, should a major financial problem arise, it is obviously a wise precaution to have money to meet the problem head on. A letter was sent to the Deanery advising them of the situation and their reply has yet to be debated. Tony Rice-Oxley Lynn Winter St George's Church Hall Report - 2000 The Hall is an Institution and an asset to our Church Community and life. However, it is easy to neglect Institutions and only realise their value, when it is no longer functioning. This is far from the case with St Gorge's; the aspirations for the hall have been analysed in December 2000 by an active ad hoe sub-committee, who reported back to the PCC. The PCC, when called upon, has a functional duty to appraise itself of the hall's affairs from time to time. Clearly, we of today's generation are trustees, who enjoy the benefits of the hall and its provision by previous generations of benefactors. We can record with pride and gratefully acknowledge the work of St George's Ladies Group, who adopted the hall as their charity for the year 2000. As a result, we received a handsome donation of £500. In turn, the hall committee was able to show how the money was spent, since it went, in large part, to defray the cost of a new central heating boiler in the kitchen. At the beginning of year we carried out some much needed internal maintenance, particularly bringing the old kitchen back up to scratch and a paint through in the new one. Perhaps, when we meet to review this report, Spring will be with us and we shall be enjoying a lovely day. It will take sometime to forget the long damp winter. However, it good to report we have kept remarkably dry in the hall, for which much thanks should be offered up. The hall finance's are on a knife edge. We miss the regular Wednesday night permanent booking, as a result of which are cash flow is noticeably dented. There has been a change of leadership on Monday nights, whilst the activity has remained the same. A determined effort should be made to fill Wednesday night - ideas, please. There are hidden facets to our church community; the hall is an important one and should invoke in us a 'what if from time to time. In this manner we will enjoy the benefits of the hall. Andrew Clark eve of the trip to Rouen, 23 February 2001 Mothers' Union Report Although few in number, and without any input from younger members of our congregation, our branch had a good year in many ways. On Maundy Thursday we used the occasion to meditate on the wider work of witness of the Christian church and in May we considered the implications of Jubilee 2000. All of us, I know, used these sessions and the Wave of Prayer day actively to pray for the worldwide work of the Mothers' Union. We also studied the controversial paper on Marriage and Cohabitation and some were able to attend the discussion in Cathedral House during October on the allied subject of marriage. In September Fr Burnish spoke to us, with a slide presentation, to bring us up to date with the work of the Leprosy Mission in Bangladesh. We also had a talk by Richard Spurgeon on the difficult work of the Customs and Excise, particularly in the busy cross-channel port of Portsmouth. On a lighter note, we hosted a cheese and wine party at the vicarage one evening in July, when members of the congregation were invited to watch a video showing the work of the MU in this country, covering such flings as help with creche facililies in prisons, help with family contact centres etc. (Two members of our branch have been doing voluntary work in the family contact centre in Portsmouth during this past year.) Although the evening was pronounced a success, it has not resulted in more members for our branch, but perhaps has made people more prayerfully aware of what we are aiming to do. September saw a pleasant evening in Bosham enjoyed by some nine members, when the vicar of the parish church met our group and told us some of the church's history before conducting a service of the Eucharist in the church crypt. Supper was enjoyed afterwards at the ' Anchor Bleu'. On 15th October Yvonne Jones represented us by the flower arrangement she made for the hospital chapel at QAH. In November the Festival Service to mark the end of Margaret Symonds triennial as Diocesan President was held in the Cathedral and, in spite of the appalling weather, a number of us were privileged to take part. November saw also the celebration of the 90th birthday anniversary of St. George's branch. On 6 December three of us represented St. George's branch at the Wednesday midday Eucharist in the Cathedral when we were responsible for the readings and intercessions. On a sadder note, we have missed another of our members this year through age and infirmity now that Roslyn Edwards is unable to get to our meetings. She does not forget us, however, as she provided knitted teddies to go into the toy bags that the branch has provided for children in our church. We now have six indoor members, Olive Locke no longer being in our parish since her move to live with her daughter in Petersfield. This report incorporates the Leader's and Secretary's items as, at the time of writing, we have no secretary; nor do we have a Treasurer for next year. It is my hope that both positions will soon be filled. Thank you to ail members for their support during the year and may God continue to bless the work that we seek to do. Winifred Mancz, Branch Leader Walsingham Pilgrimage Why do twenty pilgrims from St. George's go to Walsingham each year? It can't be for the coach ride after last year! It can't be to have a lie-in, for Father Malcolm begins each day with an eight o'clock Mass. It certainly can't be for the weather: we have had rain, hail, snow along with cold winds and just a little sunshine. But we are all drawn to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. As soon as you arrive and enter the Annunciation Chapel for your first visit, you are aware that this is a very special place. You begin to understand why past pilgrims walked the last mile to the Shrine in bare feet. The Shrine Church has fifteen chapels within it} one for each of the Mysteries of the Rosary, telling of Our Lord's Life and that of his Most Holy Mother. The Holy House is a tiny building, standing just behind the Annunciation Chapel, in which the Image of Our Lady stands. The Gardens are where we follow the Stations of the Cross, with the three large crosses reminding us of Jesus' suffering and the tomb where you are able to walk in and say a prayer and remember the Resurrection. We are able to join fellow pilgrims in the worship of God, with a beautiful candle-lit procession of the Holy Sacrament, followed by Benediction. We meet for Intercessions, the Laying on of Hands, Holy Anointing and the Sprinkling of Water at the Holy Well. There is also a chance to visit the very beautiful parish church of St. Mary's. Walsingham never changes: the buildings might, but the atmosphere remains -tranquil, serene, full of devotion of thanksgiving and praise to Our Lord and his Most Holy Mother. Perhaps, too, that is why we pilgrims return each year. Yvonne Jones Group Secretary Walsingham Cell We seem to be a very small group at the moment, receiving Mass, Meditation with the Rosary and Benediction, in which we pray for the needs of the world, the sick and the lonely. We have changed our meeting time to Saturday morning. Time and dates are always in the Sunday Bulletin. Everyone is very welcome to join us at our bi-monthly meetings. Yvonne Jones Church Flower Fund As can be seen from the accounts, the flower fund is extremely healthy at the moment. The reasons are as follows: Money given and saved for the Flower Festival; More people arranging and supplying flowers; Easter and Christmas flowers bought at wholesale prices; No Christmas tree or decorations to buy; Cancellation of the Flower Festival; Baptism and wedding flowers were donated; Spring and Summer garden flowers donated. Also, I feel I must say that for years June and I have provided our own flower materials such as ribbons, wires, bows and some silk flowers. We both would like to refurbish our flower room by buying suitable boxes to store all our materials, corn, poppies and silk flowers, and to tidy the miscellaneous things that are required to maintain the flowers. We both have always been very diligent in making sure all requests at Easter and Christmas are adhered to. Money given just as a donation has always been banked. It takes a lot of money to organize and provide flowers, especially for festivals, one of which I hope will coincide with the Summer Fete of 2001. It would be rather nice to have some dried flower arrangements for the Chapel and the memorial book when fresh flowers are difficult to buy. Deanery Synod Report There have been four meetings of the Deanery Synod during the last year. In February it was reported that the Rural Dean, Canon Bob White, was to become Vicar of St Mary's Portsea, and that Fr Robin Coutts would take up the post of Rural Dean from 17th July 2000. There was a presentation by Rev. Chris Lowson as to how the Board of Ministry would support and facilitate the enhancement of the Churches Ministry in the Diocese. During the June meeting a presentation to Canon Bob White was made. The subject for discussion at the meeting was the Pastoral Plan concerning how the clergy were to be allocated in the Deanery. As a follow-up to this meeting there was an open evening in July, led by Canon David Tonkinson, on the Marriage Report, which concerned the marriage of divorced persons in Church. This was a very worthwhile discussion. The main part of the September meeting was a presentation by the new Archdeacon of the Meon, Peter Hancock, on the Bishop's 2000 Celebrations, 'Stepping Out Together', and all parishes are being asked to take further steps forward in Mission. This was followed by a talk by Fr Michael Asieadu from IDWAL, who emphasised that more links with Ghana were needed. At the February 2001 meeting, the new Deanery Communications Advisor, Neil Pugmire, spoke about how he can help parishes to communicate with people in the street, how to advertise our Church by the use of notice boards, church magazines etc., and welcoming. The Deanery Treasurer also spoke, quoting that all parishes had paid their quotas for the year 2000, and that he would like all treasurers to make standing orders for each month's quota. Canon David Tonkinson gave a presentation on the issues which will face the Church in the future, and how we are involved locally with helping children, young adults, single people, families and old people. Next year there are plans to discuss the future of Church Schools. In our Diocese there is a total of 45 church schools at primary level and only one school at secondary level, St Luke's Portsmouth. If education is important, then Church schools are important also if we want our children to have a morally based upbringing. Mary Hutchings. St. George's Ladies Group Ladies Group meets twice a month on a Thursday evening in the Hall. The ladies offer support and friendship to one another and whilst socialising they aim to raise funds for a chosen local charity each year. This year they are supporting the Jubilee Nursery and hope to be able to buy them some specially adaptable chairs for children with physical disabilities. The Group has a current membership of 49 with an average of 35 attending each meeting. We have a variety of speakers on many subjects from the serious to the light-hearted. We also hold an auction, play skittles and have a beetle drive. The Group supports the Church at the Christmas Bazaar and the Summer Fete by running the cake stall. New members are always welcome so, ladies, why not come along and see for yourselves? Maureen Gregory Secretary Pastoral Committee Toddlers' Service: The Toddlers' Service has been going every month now for over twelve months and numbers have varied from one toddler (Amy, fast asleep!) to eleven lively boys and girls, baby Daniel, mum, dad, grandmas, three helpers and a regular pianist. The service includes prayers, a bible story, songs, birthdays and the Lord's prayer. Everything is kept simple and suitable for the under-four-year-olds. Afterwards we have tea and biscuits. Please give one of the blue handouts to any parent who has a baby or toddler in the St. George's Parish, and spread the word! Thanks to Bronwen and Rosa, and to Gwenda, our resident pianist, for their support and encouragement. Adina Burton Church Watch continues on Thursday mornings until July when it will revert to Friday mornings. Bronwen Wood Bible Reading Fellowship Seventeen people continue to subscribe to the Bible Reading Fellowship New Daylight Notes issued three times a year beginning in January, May and September. The yearly group subscription rate rises to £8.85 (£2.95 per copy) with effect from the May 2001 issue. I can easily obtain copies for any new subscribers and supply samples to anyone interested. Linda Wainwright Reort from the Magazine Committee The year saw some membership changes to the committee. Lynn Winter took over the role of Chairperson from Winifred Mancz, and June Bradley and Jim Dunster resigned from the committee. The other remaining committee members are Fr Malcolm (editor), Janet and John Johnson, Mary and Bill Hutchings, Babs Chamberlain and Larysa Thatcher. Thanks go to June Bradley for all her work in the publication of the magazine. A good supply and variety of articles was submitted for publication. Type size of text was discussed in response to comments received. This prompted the decision to produce a questionnaire to enable readers to give their opinions on type size and other aspects of the magazine. The magazine maintained its wide readership on the Intenet but sales are still only approximately 270 copies per issue. An increase in circulation would ensure that the magazine remains at the current price of 30p. The new photocopier was installed and has improved the quality and reliability of the publication with the benefit of reduced running costs. Jim Dunster's resignation from church duties led to Larysa Thatcher temporarily resuming the post of advertising manager. Although some advertisements were lost, new businesses are advertising in the magazine and, as always, we urge you to use our advertisers wherever possible. Larysa Thatcher Secretary SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT FOR ACM I am pleased to report that Sunday school is still 'going strong'. We have nearly 30 children on our register and a good regular attendance of about 15. The biggest event of the year' for' us was, of course, the Confirmation in April. We were pleased and proud that 8 of our children went forward for' confirmation. They enjoyed the preparation programme we followed and were thoughtful about the commitment they were making. It is wonderful to see them all making their' communion regularly at St George's. Our main fundraising event for the year was during Lent when we collected books, educational toys, pushchairs, etc., for the local-run charity JIGSAW. I am pleased to report that a container-load was sent out to the townships in Cape Town in December and I have received a letter of thanks from the organisers for' our' support. As always I have a big thank you to extend to my Sunday School leaders. Anne Willoughby and Lynn Winter, and I am pleased to welcome Fiona Ross back into our team to take cave of the creche. Sunday School really could not run without their dedication and also the support of Fr. Malcolm and you, the congregation. Iulia Spurgeon Head of Sunday school. Youth Club Report 2000 The recipe much as before. We have laid on a multitude of activities but sadly we have not had any increase in our' numbers. We began the year with 14 members and finished with only 11. However the subtle change was that all our members are now directly from church families or' immediate friends of church families. This has led to a marked increase in standards of behaviour and has meant much easier supervision. Members again took an active part in the Revue and tried their hand with evenings of cooking, craft, games (both active and board), a French evening, drama work, 10 pin bowling, swimming and many more. The weather was not so kind during the summer so we had less outside swimming activities. Our race night to support our Easter canal holiday was a great success, as was the holiday itself when we took a boat from Braunston and went up the Foxton lock flight to Market Harborough, and back down to the canal museum at stoke Bruerne. Most members are now getting to be keen and competent narrow boaters, and are fast becoming hooked on the idea as a regular holiday. Indeed they have pressured us into another' one this year, our eighth year. In June most of the group camped at Glendene for' the weekend and went to the Wintershall passion play 'The Life of christ' on the saturday. Mercifully the weather' was kind and all the party were impressed by the production. Our end of summer term evening in QE Forest was somewhat curtailed when we couldn't light the Bar' becue due to wet charcoal, so had to come home to cook up on a home stove!!. We lost Holly, Katy, Nicola, Faye, Rhea, David and Luke during the year. Happily we gained several new members - Bethan, Michelle, Joseph, Christopher, and Sarah. We still keep up our regular monthly participation at The Family Eucharist, though this has become far more difficult recently, with irregular attendance making practice much more difficult, and the new lectionary not providing many child friendly subjects to present. As always the children have taken part in main church events such as the Summer Fete and Winter Bazaar', though there was a poor turn out for the sponsored ramble and evensong this year. Over' the past 10 years children have so many more calls on their time, and this makes Youth Club Just another activity which they have to squeeze in. As a consequence their commitment is much less than those attending gay, 5 to 10 years ago when it used to be a full house each Friday, and an absence meant someone could only be ill. Today it seems to be heady round of parties, sleepovers, family trips away, performing in concerts, and this tends to disrupt any positive programme. As ever we are asking for more adults to help out at youth club so that the current leaders can have a night off once in a while. The response has been good, so perhaps this report will be written by a new hand next year! Jane and Tony Rice-Oxley ST.GEORGE'S SOCIAL AND FUNDRAlSlNG COMMITTEE REPORT 2000/01 We started this Millennium year with a Eucharist service at noon on lst January, with wine afterwards. Our Review took place in February, a break with tradition mainly due to the large number of events around the change of year; The change of date did not affect the audiences which were as appreciative as ever. As usual we held our annual fund raising jumble sale in March; this gives us funds to support the many social functions we hold during the year. We had a Skittles evening at Wickham and our traditional St.George's day luncheon in April. This latter event is fast becoming very popular and this was no exception. Our coach trip was to Canterbury in September and a marvellous day out was had by all. Father Malcolm had arranged a short tour round the Cathedral followed by the superb Cathedral evensong with the wonderful Cathedral choir. With no Harvest Barn Dance planned we held a Parish Party in November; this included games, dancing and quizzes. The Auction of Promises in November made £900, an excellent effort by all involved. The congregation and outside donors gave 70 lots, and bidding was brisk on the evening. The event turned out to be a social occasion as well as a good fund raiser. This money raised just managed to save our financial bacon towards the end of the year when our Treasurer was desperately in need of ready funds to pay the Quota. ST GEORGE'S 100 CLUB The last two years has seen the 100 Club build up a profit of £1220. This has enabled the Club to donate £220 towards the cost of replacing the Church Hall piano and £1,000 to the PCC. Numbers of members have fluctuated over the past year and we currently have a few vacancies. If anyone is interested in joining, it only costs a £1 per month and you stand the chance of winning up to a £100 as well as helping the Church at the same time. Below are the accounts for the year 2000 together with a list of winners. If anyone would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your continued support and good luck with the draws in 2001. |
Link to the April 2000, Annual Church Meeting |
page last updated 4 APRIL 2001 |