The Parish Church of St George the Martyr, Waterlooville

Clues: Across

1. Love Story (7)

5. Awake (5)

8. Tolkien Character (5)

9. Monk (7)

10. Of the Hip Joint (7)

11.  Late (5)

12. Oratorio (6)

14. Penned (6)

17. Metrical feet (5)

19. Beseeching (7)

22. Shout of Praise (7)

23. One of the Three Musketeers (5)

24. Pipes for Watering (5)

25. Cruel People (7)

Clues: Down

1. Teacher (5)

2. OT book (7)

3. In-Law to Ruth (5)

4. Anoint in Death (6)

5. Follower of Christ (7)

6. Gas (5)

7. Waited (7)

12. Prophet (7)

13. Agrees (7)

15. Well Worn Sayings (7)

16. Corsages (6)

18. He was associated with Bullrushes (5)

20. Prize (5)

21. Audible catching of breaths (5)

Crossword compiled by Jane Rice-Oxley

Answers to Christmas 2010 Crossword

Across: 1.Nazareth. 7.Carol. 8.Groundsel. 9.See 18. 10.Rail. 11.Deduct. 13.Fitter. 14.Manger. 17.See 18. 18(and 9,17)Mary and Joseph. 20.Eye. 22.Christmas. 23.Cluck. 24.Adjourns. Down: 1.Niger. 2.Zionist. 3.Rang. 4.Tassel. 5.Treat. 6.Gladder. 7.Clausal. 12.Seasick. 13.Fluency. 15.Grammar. 16.Spared. 17.Jesus. 19.Yeses. 21.Oslo.

Crossword 121 - Winter 2011

Winter Edition 2011