The Parish Church of St George the Martyr, Waterlooville

Continuing our series of extracts from past editions of St George’s Book of Poems…..

Winter Edition 2014

St George’s Book of Poems

The Church Treasurer

Write a poem for the book please, said Jane.

For days I’ve been racking my brain,

Inspiration won’t come,

There are accounts to be done

All in a Treasurer’s day.

I need all my fingers and thumbs

To help me with my sums.

To the bank each week I go

In the wind and the rain, shine or snow.

Oh! Why are five pences so small?

To count up they’re the worst of all.

All in a Treasurer’s week.

The quota has got to be paid,

Now which bank account can I raid?

Has the post brought more bills today?

No, it’s a large cheque…. Hooray!
That will help the cashflow.

The church money will steadily grow,

All in a Treasurer’s month.

In which column does this item fall?

I must remember that telephone call.

It’s not as easy as it looks

To balance all the church’s books

More finance meetings to attend.

The auditors happiness is my end.

All in a treasurer’s year.

Now on whom can I put the blame

For putting forward my name?
But I’ve always liked figures you see

So I’m quite happy to be

The Church Treasurer.

Linda Wainwright.

A Sonnet of Snowdrops

From earth frostbound in grip of winter’s power

Arise the Snowdrops, crystal white and pure;

Sweet heralds on the spring, they stand demure.

In bitter biting winds yet comes this dower

Of modesty and grace, this dainty flower.

So delicate of form yet strong and sure

That in the harshest days they can endure;

Proof that Spring will come with April sun and shower.

Thus loving human hearts, as strong and true

Withstand the buffetings and storms of life

And ever shed, on all around, a Joy

That in the darkest times will guide them through.

Such kindly souls spread peace among the strife

For theirs a faith that nothing can destroy.

Dorothea Keable

My Lovely Granddaughter

Charlotte Louise Flew

There’s no-one else

Quite like you.

Your eyes are so sparkly

Your smile is so sweet

A proper Madam

Right down to your feet.

I love you to pieces

You’re a dream come true;

My lovely granddaughter

Charlotte Louise Flew.

Barbara Clark