The Parish Church of St George the Martyr, Waterlooville
As we look back at the last few months it is phenomenal to see what we have been doing and been able to achieve. Our work continues to focus on Iraq, Israel/Palestine and Jordan serving particularly Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people. The stories are so terrible that it is difficult to transmit them but what we have been able to achieve is simply phenomenal. We now have in place a highly successful school for the Iraqi refugee children in Jordan. We have an extensive feeding and medical program and have been able to provide a significant amount of housing for people who were living in worse than slums.
So the work has been divided very clearly into the following genres:
This provision has changed the lives of those most in need. We can only do all this with your help and support. We thank you for what you have enabled us to do. These are not far flung distant people, they are our family and our people. I give thanks to the Almighty for the privilege of serving these people. Dr Sarah serving the thousands in Northern Iraq gives thanks to God for what we are called to do together. Will you stand with us and help us to make God's love known at this time of LIBERATION.
Just the other day I was with a grandmother and her granddaughter. The 15 year-
Please will you help us to keep going to them and many other people. One little girl just ran up to me and held me tight and told me over and over again that I had poured the water over her. Whenever I see her she is holding the picture of me baptising her. When the family fled the ISIS terrorists all they took with them was the picture of me marrying the parents and baptising Myrna.
With blessings
Canon Andrew White
Festival 2015