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From the Vicar Margaret Buckland Book Corner News from the Pews Probus Club Waterlooville Twinning Celebrating 100 Rodney Dawson Knit and Natter Food Bank The New St George's Jean Goddard Waterlooville Music Festival Who am I? African Child Trust St George's Ladies Crossword Puzzle time 100 years of worship Gill Barrett A big Thank you Matt Cook's cycle trip

St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Easter 2022 issue

African Child Trust latest news

We have received these letters and photographs from Abedinego, one of the children whose education St George’s sponsors through African Child Trust. If you would like to contribute to this excellent cause, please see Tony Rice-Oxley.