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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Autumn 2024 issue

St George’s Prayer Group

Did you know Saint George’s has a Prayer Group? We are a small band of women at the moment – but all welcome – who have been meeting regularly once a month for many years.

The group was started by Sally Ashby, (wife of Bishop Geoffrey Ashby) both of whom used to worship at Saint George’s. When they moved away, the group was then led by Audrey Mentor and, when sadly she became too ill to continue, Margaret Symonds kindly took over, last year handing over the reins to the Reverend Sandra Edwards.

We pray regularly for places of conflict throughout the world, for Father Colin and our loyal band of retired clergy (by name), St George’s and its Mission and for Christians who are persecuted for their faith. We remember the children of African Child Trust and the street children of the world.

We pray for those we know in need of prayer, some of whom have asked us to pray specifically for them.

We offer this small act of service to anyone who would like specific prayers. Information shared within the group is strictly confidential. Currently, the group consists of The Reverend Sandra Edwards, Janet Johnson, Margaret Symonds and Lynn Winter.

Please approach any of us if you have a specific prayer request for yourself or a loved one. Our next meeting is on Wednesday16th October in Church.

Lynn Winter