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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Who am I?

No. 121

Please study the answers given by our mystery guest and guess who he/she is. The answer will appear in the next magazine.


1. When did you first start going to St George’s? 1971

2. What is your favourite sport to watch (if any)? Cricket

3. In what county were you born? Hertfordshire

4. What is your favourite type of music? Early Pop and some Classical

5. Would you describe yourself as an avid reader?  No

6. Do you have a pet? If so, what? No

7. Do you drive? Yes

8. Who is your favourite author? Philippa Gregory

9. Who do you think was the greatest Briton? Winston Churchill

10. What is/ was your favourite subject at school? History

11. Do you enjoy cooking? A little

12. What is your favourite sort of restaurant? Pub

13. Who is your favourite character from fiction? Vera

14. Who is your favourite character(s) from history? Margarety, Countess of Salisbury

15. In what country do you most enjoy spending your holiday? France

16. What is your favourite hobby? House and Garden

Devised and researched by
Tony Rice-Oxley

Last issue Who am I? was Jane Rice-Oxley

Summer 2023