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The Website for St George’s Church Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

If you are thinking of coming to a church service and want to know more about us, please click here


Sonja Renfrew – Designated Safeguarding Officer [DSO]


Lynn Winter -Deputy Safeguarding Officer



If you would prefer to speak with someone outside the church

Portsmouth Diocesan Safeguarding Co-Ordinator:

Thersa Winship

Phone: 023 9289 9665. [Hours Tuesday-Thursday 9am - 5pm. Out of hours: 0303 003 1111

Email: safeguarding@portsmouth.anglican.org

Should you be unable to get hold of a leader outside of office hours:

The following is a list of contact details of other agencies that are available to assist either on a 24 hr basis or through specialist helplines and services.


NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (10am - 4pm Monday to Friday). Phone if you are worried about a child.

Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.

Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (free and does not appear on phone bills) or 08457 90 90 90 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.

Action on Elder Abuse: 080 8808 8141 (free Monday to Friday 9-5pm)


Hampshire Local Authority Social Care:


0300 555 1384

Out of hours 0300 555 1373

Vulnerable Adults-

0300 555 1386

Portsmouth Local Authority Social Care :-

Children -

023 9283 9111.

Out of hours 0300 555 1373

Vulnerable adults-

023 9268 0810

Or contact us using the contact page HERE

The link to the Diocese of Portsmouth Safeguarding webpage is HERE

Sonja Renfrew