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From the Vicar High Tide Ordination: Revd Liz Quinn But Why Bump Off Barnaby? Eco Church Film Night Carbon Footprint Calculator Sunday School Eco Challenge What a Year! The Bee Experience Forthcoming Charities Wound Healing News from the pews Mothers' Union Anna Chaplaincy Matt Cook's cycle trip Book Corner Who am I? Crossword Puzzle time Music Festival 2023

St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2023 issue

Carbon Footprint Calculator

As part of the Eco Church award which we are working towards, St George’s is inviting you to use a Carbon footprint calculator to see what your impact is on the environment and to give suggestions to reduce it. These are a few we’ve found, you may like to use a different one. Do let us know how you get on! We don’t need to know the results, but we’d be delighted to hear from those who have engaged with this.

Many thanks in advance,

The Eco Church Group.


This one is free, secure and gives results without the need for giving your email address. Quite detailed info needed though.



A nice, quick, easy calculator but it needs email address to get the results and you effectively sign up for newsletters but can unsubscribe at any point.



Secure, comprehensive, asks you for email address if you want to but you get a summarised report anyway. Offers good ways to reduce your carbon footprint which are personalised to your answers. I reckon this is the best.
