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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2022 issue

Waterlooville Music Festival

Great to be back. What a wonderful week of blockbuster talent.
The week when Waterlooville becomes the entertainment capital of Hampshire.
To be kept advised of plans for 2023, the best way is to join the mailing list.

Some of the feedback on social media …..

Went to Waterlooville Music Festival at St George's this week. My word, it's certainly a must go to next year”

“All That Malarkey: “It was amazing”  ….. “What a brilliant night. Loved every second of it!”

West End Jerseys: “Fabulous show, we loved it” ….. “A fantastic evening, the boys were soo polished, loved their chosen music and I even won the mug in the raffle!! Love it… roll on next year” ….. “What a fantastic night, absolutely brilliant” …..      “Great night, loved every minute”