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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Easter 2023

Mothers’ Union and World Day of Prayer

February meeting

On Tuesday 7th February, following a service conducted by the Revd Andy Wilson during which two new members were admitted; Hilary who has transferred from Peterborough and Muriel from Christchurch Dorset – Portsdown Mothers’ Union held its AGM.

The minutes of the last AGM were read and accepted, followed by the Branch Leader and Treasurer’s reports.

At present, we have 33 members including 7 indoor members. Members of the Committee were confirmed.

Our Branch Leader, Ros Molloy is retiring after six years and our Treasurer, Norma Gibney also wishes to stand down.

Revd Wilson expressed his anxiety as to our future if no one is willing to step into these important roles. A worrying situation for the branch.

After the meeting concluded, tea and cakes were served at the back of the church and there was a raffle.

Norma had brought a selection of cards including new birthday cards and packs of Easter cards for sale

Ros and Norma receiving gifts of flowers upon retiring as Branch Leader and Treasurer

Subs day

This year’s Subs Day Coffee Morning was held in the small hall at Denmead Church on Thursday 23rd February. Tea, coffee and biscuits were served and details of this year’s trip to York where the AGM will be held and dates for our diaries were given out. Mothers’ Union cards and merchandise was available and there was a large raffle. Our table of five Christ Church members each won a prize!

 Our lucky table winning the raffle prizes

March meeting

The meeting opened with prayer led by Linda Banks. The reading was read by Brenda Hadley who had received a Congratulations card from Mary Sumner House. She had been enrolled exactly 50 years ago on 7th April.

The talk was given by Revd Marcus who is a curate at Christ Church. Marcus Collie told us of his journey to faith and ordination.

He grew up in the Middle East where nearly all of his friends were Muslims. He learned to pray as a Muslim, came to the UK first at the age of 9 and again for University. His family were not religious.

After University he got married and has several children.

It was after the baptising of their eldest child at 6 months of age that he thought about it. A member of the MU at St Peter and St Paul’s Church Fareham came to prepare them for the baptism service. It was on reading the promises that they would be making like “to bring up your child in the love of Christ” etc Marcus realised that he was making these promises to God, who he did not believe in. He felt condemned. They started going to church – very high Anglican and full of elderly ladies – about once a month. They did not know any of the congregation - all over 50. The priest helped him on his faith journey. He began reading the Bible as part of the church rota. They had a follow up visit from the MU lady who had come earlier. She became very helpful. His wife became a GP and could not always be available for church services. Marcus resigned from the Bank and began training as an Ordinand – it was not pleasant and after the many interviews he was turned down. However his Bishop recommended him and he trained again. He was most appreciative of the MU lady who welcomed and visited them in the first place.

He felt welcomed at St Peter and St Paul in spite of his little daughter emptying a can of water into the piano!

World Day of Prayer

This year’s World Day of Prayer service was held on Friday 3rd March at Hart Plain Church.

The service was prepared by the Christian Women of Taiwan.

We began with a Taiwanese greeting – “Ping-an” – “May God grant you peace, a peaceful relationship with God and with one another”.

During the service, five “women” described difficulties encountered by women in Taiwan: discrimination, meagre incomes, difficulty in pursing education and verbal and sexual childhood abuse.

The collection raised £256.30 to help with the work of the World Day of Prayer in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and projects run by Christian charities around the world.

Although congregation numbers were a little down, people remarked on how much they had enjoyed this year’s service. A splendid tea with hot drinks and home made cakes was served afterwards.

Next year’s service will be prepared by the Christian Women of Palestine and will be held on 1st March 2024 at 10.30am, at All Saints Church, Denmead.

The World Day of Prayer Committee members

Janet Johnson