A new date has been set for 6th and 7th March, when applicants to the post of Vicar of Waterlooville will be invited to visit the Parish and attend an interview at Bishopsgrove .
There was significant positive reaction to the font cover being re-installed, and this was discussed at length by the PCC, but the decision was taken to having the bowl of Holy Water placed in the font as before until such time as a new incumbent takes over.
A table has been placed in front of the font as an ideal place for the stoop to be stored.
Repairs and improvements to the buildings
A quote is being obtained for the repair or replacement of the Pulpit step.
Diocesan permission was required for the installation of CCTV security, but work is now progressing.
Push bar exit locks are now fitted to the external side doors at the Vestry and Sacristy Lobby so these doors can be fire exits whilst remaining locked externally.
A survey of the hall windows took place on 4th January.
The next Quinquennial is due in 2019, a few issues will require attention before then.
Fundraising includes £3829.28 from the shop, £70 from Denmead Brass concert, £20 5p’s in a bottle, £100 Bonusball, £955 Bulb sales and £1853.34 from the Christmas Bazaar. £150 has been donated from Friday coffee morning takings.
Also £86 from the porch safe, £184.16 from sale of votives, £551.18 from the 100 Club, £275.50 Diocese reimbursement, and £362.04 from the hall towards its share of insurance costs.
Expenditure includes £918 in church maintenance, £40 computer repairs, £88.05 Fire Extinguisher service, £110 Boiler Service, and various fees for visiting priests. Additionally, £291.40 for a faculty application and £1492.86 to Chichester Stoneworks for the repair to the font.
Income finished the year almost £3,500 under budget, but there were some savings on expenditure which also came in under budget by £1,663.
£102.28 was raised in November for Practical Action and £241.97 for the Children’s Society in December.
Fees for 2018
An increase of 4% has been applied to the schedule of fees for 2018, in line with the Diocese recommendation. This is with the exception of the charge for playing recorded music, which stays the same at £20.
Lifts to church
The possibility of the church arranging lifts for people has been looked into but there are significant complications with Insurance and DBS [Disclosure and Barring Service] checks so it has been decided that the church cannot be involved, although individual members of the congregation are of course free to make private arrangements between themselves.
Sonja reported that there were no safeguarding issues other than some DBS checks in the process of being renewed. The report reiterated the need for all PCC staff in post to complete the training for safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults.
Social and Fundraising
The Barn Dance was very successful and raised £83 and the Bazaar was up £150 on last year. There is an entertainments evening organised for February and a coffee morning, open garden and travelling supper being planned for later in the year.
Deanery Synod
The November Synod meeting received a presentation by the Children’s Society, showing how they have come into the 21st Century and their focus now.
Walsingham Pilgrimage
This year there will be 25 pilgrims visiting Walsingham the weekend following Easter.