The APCM took place on Sunday 22nd April.
Last year, Anne Morgan took on the post of Churchwarden for one year only, and therefore stood down. As Churchwardens continue to have a position on the PCC for 12 months following the end of their tenure, Anne will be a member of the PCC for the year 2018/19.
Chris Gadd was nominated for the vacant position of Churchwarden. There were no other nominations, and Chris was duly elected.
Two PCC members were due for retirement, being Dick Handy and Sheilah Hall. With Chris Gadd being also on the PCC and now appointed Churchwarden, this opened up three PCC vacancies, and upon a vote, Lisa Toft, Richard Spurgeon and Ian Gibson were duly elected.
Dawn Trimby confirmed willingness to continue as Church Treasurer, and reported a surplus of just under £4,000 for the previous year, with a most impressive £17,000 from various fundraising activities. Donations and planned giving amounted to £39,368 and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs contributed just over £11,000 in gift aid recovery.
Once the APCM business had been concluded, many of those present proceeded into the church hall for the Parish Lunch to mark St George’s Day, and enjoyed an excellent three course meal with the ample flow of sherry, wine and other beverages.