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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2018 issue

Parochial Church Council report

Following the APCM, the newly elected PCC met for the first time on 22nd May. Joining the PCC were Ian Gibson, Richard Spurgeon and Lisa Toft. Most of the PCC Officers continued in their posts, and the PCC Committees were formed as follows;

a) Fabric & Finance & Quinquennial: John Hood (Chair), Malcolm Brewer, Chris Gadd, Colin Monk, Dawn Trimby. Tony Rice-Oxley, Dick Handy and David Cavey to be co-opted.

b) Pastoral & Mission: Anne Morgan (Chair), Patricia Byrne, Lesley Handy, Barbie Lloyd, Richard Spurgeon, Lisa Toft, Candy Williams. Rosemary Monk to be co-opted.

c) Hall: Tony Rice-Oxley (Chair), Malcolm Brewer, Jane Cook, Ian Gibson, Sandra Hewett, Norma Kershaw. Tony Rice-Oxley, Mary Chapman, Rosemary Monk and Fiona Ross to be co-opted.

The Treasurer’s report showed that all forms of giving are below budget leaving the finances highly dependant upon successful fundraising activities.

The lawn mower required replacement and a new machine has been acquired at a cost of around £500.

Charity donations were £56.82 (Age UK) and £56.83 (Children in Distress),  £50 each (The Rowans Hospice and Parkinsons UK), £319.78 (Christian Aid).

Following their meeting, Fabric and Finance Committee reported CCTV problems now fixed, and that the hall kitchen flooring is to be replaced in August.

Arrangements for Fr Colin’s Installation have been divided into two teams.

The Service team is led by Lesley and includes Ray, Rod, Adrienne and Anne. The idea of the Service team is to look at all the components of the service and ensure we include what Fr Colin wants in terms of music, vestment colours and readings, also people recommended to be included.

The Post-Service team is led by Malcolm and includes Richard, Colin, Rosemary and Jane. This team is looking into catering arrangements and is likely to include a buffet supper.