Mondays Advertisement
Father Jones has a T.V. set for sale. Tel 01243 1111 7pm ask for Mrs Donnelley
Who lives with him, cheap.
On Tuesday
We regret any embarrassment caused to Fr. Jones by a typographical error in an advertisement yesterday.
It should have read: “Fr Jones has a T.V. set for sale. Cheap. Tel 01243 1111 and ask for Mrs Donnelley who lives with him after 7pm”.
On Wednesday
Father Jones informs us that he has received several annoying telephone calls because of the incorrect advertisement in Yesterday’s paper. It should have read “Fr Jones has one T.V. set for sale. Cheap. Tel 01243 1111 after 7pm and ask for Mrs Donnelley who loves with him.”
On Thursday
Please take notice that I, The Reverend Father A. J. Jones have no T.V. set for sale. I have smashed it.
Don’t call 01243 1111 anymore. I have not been carrying on with a Mrs Donnelley.
Mrs Donnelley was, until yesterday, my housekeeper.
On Friday
Wanted, a housekeeper. Usual housekeeping duties. Good pay. Love in.
Fr Jones Tel 01243 1111
Rod Starr